Monday, August 25, 2008

My Sweet Husband

While I was praying for all the kids on the way to school this morning, look who was praying for me...the HOTY! It was a long to school around 6:30 and finally made it back to my office around 9:30 and this email was waiting on me. He will probably be embarrassed that I shared it with you, but I could not resist.

Laura Ann,

I wanted you to know that I said a prayer this morning asking God to make this a Great year for you at work. The similarities between what you and all of the children are facing this year, is ironic. It is all very different and new to you, just as it is to them. You will both face new challenges, learn to “play well with new classmates” and experience a great many highs and lows. Through it all, you have to trust in yourself and trust in our Lord. I know you already know these things, but I thought I would take a moment to remind you:

That you are the Best at what you do!
You have the ability and privilege to positively impact so many.
While often times seemingly thankless, you are sincerely appreciated by more than not.
You are a child of the Most High God! If God be for you, who dare be against you?

I love you with my whole heart! I hope and pray that you will have a wonderful school year!

As many of you know today was the first day back at school with the kiddos! Overall it was a good day. I am sure many of you know that I am currently a High School Assistant Principal and I will be over the Senior this year. Our school currently has about 2500 students and 640 of those are Seniors, so it is a rather busy place. There is never dull moment around there and the kids are just...something else. I will share a story with you that sticks out in my mind today.

I am standing in the middle of the commons at school and students are approaching left and right asking me where certain classrooms are and I am quickly pointing them in the right direction. I would say I fielded about 50 questions per passing period today and there are 7 periods in a day (I'll let you do the math). In between 5th and 6th period today I had 2 young men approach me and show me their schedules and ask me where the Ag (Agriculture) class was? It is a little hard to explain, so I said, "oh, I will just show you". On our walk out to the Ag Department I decided to strike up conversation with these two I asked, "oh, are ya'll going to show an animal". The one kid laughed and looked at his buddy and said, "I don't know about him, but I'll show you my anaconda". Uh, at that time I either had to decide to respond or act as if I had not understood what he said. I decided to just ignore it and point them on their way. It is one of those things if I had corrected him for it, he would have said something like, "oh Miss, why you so perverted? I really have an anaconda" must choose to fight their battles wisely when dealing with Highschoolers. Can you believe this? I don't know why I was so shocked... this is my 14th year in education and I feel as if I have heard it all. I would have NEVER said something like this to my school administrator. Shame on him!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet prayer. You are too much Curtis! Love it!!! Cannot believe the comment from the kid...what a way to handle it. I don't think I could have hidden the shock on my face. What in the world? Kids today!!! Good luck, I know that a lot of changes are going on for you this year. I'll be thinking of you!
