Tuesday, August 19, 2008

We Made It ~ First Day

Today was Emma's first day of Mother's Day Out (she will be spending 4 hours there on Tuesday and Thursday only). We got up extra early to spend some time with her, feed her breakfast and talk to her about the big day. The entire way to the little school I prayed out loud for her and to her this morning and she talked back to me the whole time ~ I think she was saying her own little prayer.

Daddy followed us the entire way to the school, so he could be a part of the big day.

Immediately when we walked in, she wiggled to get out of her Daddy's arms to get down and play with this little motorcylce that was in the gym.

The diagnostician at my school was dropping her sweet baby off this morning too, so she was kind enough to get this shot of all of us.

I could not resist getting a picture of the "itty bitty's" name on her cubby. She shares with another student who is there on Monday, Wednesday & Friday and it is hers on Tuesday & Thursdays.

Yes, we made it through the first day. She did great when we left, she did not cry at all. However, I had a couple people check on her that took their children in later and they said she was on her teachers hip and she was crying. She did cry on and off during the day, but they say that is normal. I am not sure that is normal for us...so we will give it another try on Thursday and see how things work out.

The Mommy in me wants to NEVER go back...I just can not stand the thought of her crying or being afraid during the day. The other part of me wants her to have the social interaction with kids her own age. The HOTY and I agreed to 4 weeks before we would make a decision. I will just have to continue to pray and give it time.


  1. Emma is so precious Laura...I know you must be so proud of her. And what a BIG girl she was today. I know it was hard for you today, but I'm sure God was watching over her as well as you and Curtis.

    Hang in there :)

  2. She is such a sweet little girl. By 4 weeks, she will be running the place and have the teachers melting in her hands. She is getting so big and growing so fast. I will say a prayer for you 3 to make it through this transition!

