Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2007

Fall is here and we can not wait to take the "itty bitty" to the Pumpkin Patch this year. She was only 3 1/2 months old last year when we took her, but she still managed to pick the pumpkin she thought was best. Yes, we had to get it for her and I would still have it today if it had not rotted. We will be returning to the same patch this year for our 2nd year of fun and photos. I love the idea of this one...it is at a Methodist Church and this is the youth groups yearly fundraiser. The teens are out there working, pulling wagons, shuffling pumpkins around, loading your stuff, taking family photos, helping you select the perfect one, checking you out and then they walk you to your car and send you on your way.

I am sure our experience this year will be much different than last. Emma will be running through the pumpkins, touching them and probably attempting to pick them all up. It is amazing how much she has grown in a year. I always tell the HOTY that every age is my favorite and I don't want her to get any bigger, but I am here to tell you...she is SOOOOO much fun right now and every age just gets better and better. I am amazed at how independent she has already become and how good of a communicator she is at such a young age. I could talk about her forever, she is just the sweetest and most loving little person.

We are welcoming Fall with open arms at our house. The house is decorated for the season and the scent of pumpkin and apple spice are everywhere. Our decorations consist mostly of pumpkins and things that can be left out through Thanksgiving. I have gotten rid of the ghost, cats, bats and witches around here. However, the "itty bitty" did get a little spider candle holder the other day from Kirklands. We always sing the "itsy bitsy spider" and do the hand motions that go along with the song. Well, the other day when we were shopping she kept saying, "spider, spider, spider". To be honest with you, I was quite surprised because I did not know she knew what a spider was or had ever seen one. Sure enough it was a spider, so we bought it and she carries that little spider around everywhere. So we do have a few Halloween decorations, but primarily "punkin" stuff...that's what the "itty bitty" calls it.


  1. It is amazing how quickly she has grown and how smart she is! I agree completley...she is SO super fun right now and I just love how she is such a smart little angel...her ability to transfer knowledge makes me so proud...wow...yeah...that was the teacher in me coming out! :-)
    love you all! :-)

  2. You have got to check out this post from 2005 I did. http://hollyehobby.blogspot.com/2005/12/pumpkin-kennedy.html

    I too can't wait for our visit to the Pumpkin Patch. We always have so much fun. And the weather here is perfect for pumpkin pickin'.

    I am planning on doing our fall decorating this weekend. I have some cleaning to do first. Can't wait!

  3. I'm dying to see some Frazier 4 belly pics???? I have no IDEA what you are looking like these days!!

    Looking forward to seeing the new pumpkin patch pics of Miss Emma!

  4. So sweet - love the pumpkin patch picture!!!! I love this time of year!

  5. That is such a precious picture! Josh and I love going to the pumpkin patch. We probably will not make it this year but I'm looking forward to taking Brody next year! Thank you for your sweet comments on our blog!

  6. I can't wait for Pumpkin Patch visits!
