Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Girl's Best Friend

It is pretty safe to say that our Weenie Dog, Beamer is the "Itty Bitty's" best friend. This kid loves this dog and when I say love, I mean loves this dog. If you have read much of my blog you know that she is obsessed with any and all dogs. We have dog stuffed animals, dog pajamas, dog webkins, dog pillow, little dogs, big dogs, books on dogs, movies on dogs and she is always talking about and looking for "dog-dogs". I mean she can spot the red dog on the gift cards at Target when we are standing in line to pay. She finds dogs any and everywhere we go and points them out to me and the HOTY. Which brings me to this...

Last year for Halloween she was this cute little Butterfly that I just absolutely loved and had to have for her 1st Halloween.

We were so excited about this costume to the point that I think we put it on her about 6 times before Halloween even arrived. This is one of my very favorite pictures of her in it with that sweet little head lifted and that beautiful little round face showing.

I started talking to the HOTY about a month back asking him what he thought she should be for Halloween. I said, "you know, I think I will let her be something that she would really want to be and not something I really want her to be". She is still probably a little young to walk in a store and pick one out, so we looked at magazines and catalogs...and you are looking at it, a DOG ~ DOG! Yes, my little girly girl is going to be a dog for Halloween. I am still not 100% sold on the idea, but I feel like it is probably the right thing to do and what she really wants to be.

Never did I imagine I would be walking a little puppy around at the Mothers Day Out Fall Festival, instead I thought it would be a fairy, lady bug or maybe even a little ballerina. I plan to try to put some red bows on the ears to make it look a little more girly, any other ideas?

This is actually sold out online, so the HOTY called several stores today looking for it and paid for it over the phone when he found it. He also got her this little treat bag that I plan on having monogrammed on the backside in red with her name and the year. Oh, I plan on adding some red bows on the side of this little guy too.

One thing is for sure...the "itty bitty" will love this costume and we probably will have a hard time getting it off her, once she puts it on.


  1. That has got to be the cutest butterfly I have ever seen. I love the dog...I think it's cute. Can't wait to see what it turns out to be.

  2. IS this from PBK? It looks like one they had last year. We bought the small one that fits a doll and Kennedy dresses her monkey up in it.

  3. That is one cutie pie butterfly! She will make a sweet little puppy, too! Funny how the little minds of children work!!!! I am sure I am about to start eating all of my words!

  4. That little butterfly is one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Oh my word she is precious!

    I think the dog costume is very cute, too! How great that you let her decide what she wanted to be. Too cute!
