Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scrappin through Ike...

I am sure that many of you have heard that we are bracing for a major hurricane here in Texas and his name is Ike. It has been pretty crazy around here today and folks are in a panic. It started this morning when I stopped to put gas in my car (the HOTY usually does this), but I was worried there would be none left by the time he was able to do it. It took me about 35 minutes to get gas, between the wait... 20 minutes of pumping $19.69 of regular...turning the pump off, reinserting my debit card...starting the pump over with Supreme gas and of course it went super fast from there. I wonder if they just wanted the extra .33 a gallon from me. Finally made it to school and today was a late arrival, the kids get there at 9:15 every Thursday. To find out that the district is releasing everyone at 10:30...I know it made very little sense to me either. Made it back home, and thought what in the world am I going to do for 4 days being barricaded up in the house, besides play with the "itty bitty"? I quickly called my BFF and asked her to go to the grocery store with me and to Micheal's to pick up additional scrap booking stuff. We made it to the store and it was a mad house. There was no bread anywhere in sight, can goods were few and far between, cereal boxes were slim to none and batteries were flying off the shelves like they were free. I must admit that I sort of giggled walking through the store and seeing the emptiness of the shelves and people scattering around like mad. Perhaps I won't be giggling when Ike finally makes his appearance early Saturday morning. Our plan is to stay home and ride the storm out here. In the meantime, I will keep myself entertained with blogs, Emma, Scrapbooking and catching up on Emma's Baby Book.

Yes, I have temporarily converted our formal dining room into my little Hobby area...till the storm is over.

I will be working on Emma's Scrapbook throughout the storm and did I mention, I love this book. I got it from Creative Memories, then I sent it off and had it imprinted with her name, date of birth & birth statistics. It is the cutest thing ever & I can not wait to buy one for the 4th Frazier. I wonder will it be another pink one or will I get to buy it in blue and have a rocking horse put on it?
All kidding aside, please pray for us and our neighbors in surrounding counties. I am really concerned about this storm. We are predicted to have anywhere from 85-115 mph winds at our home in the next day or so. Please pray that those traveling get to where they are going safely and those choosing to stay will be protected and safe. No matter what happens, I will praise you in this storm...


  1. The boards are ON! Sweet Pam came over and helped! Stay safe!

  2. The baby book is just adorable!!! I'm praying for a blue one for you :) But I know you'll be happy with either one!!!

    Stay safe...I'm worried about all of you!!!


  3. Stay safe with the weather down there!

  4. I just wanted to ask do creative memories skill sell the pink album. I purchased a white album for my little boy 2 years ago and it's not on their website anymore. Please let me know.
