Friday, September 12, 2008

Throw up & Must have

Let me start with the cute stuff and then I will tell you all about the "throw up". Last week when we went to Pottery Barn Kids, the "itty bitty" spotted this grocery cart. Needless to say, we were not leaving there without it. I think she feels the same way about the pink kitchen, but we have not talked Daddy into that just yet. Something tells me that Santa might be bringing it on Christmas morning. This grocery cart is too cute...she loves to put her baby & bear in it...grab her purse and travel all over the house adding things to her cart. Right now it is full of vegetables and a pink race car (that her RaRa got her). Her Daddy is wishing we would have bought the plastic Fisher Price one, because she is steadily running it into the walls and cabinets.

About the throw up...we had a 1st this morning. About 6:30 I heard Emma crying on her baby monitor and the cry was quite different then her normal morning, I am awake come get me cry. I got out of bed and went into her nursery and immediately I could smell this awful smell. I turned on the light and one end of her bed was full of "throw up". I picked her up and went back to our bedroom and told the HOTY to get up, I needed help. About that time, we went into the restroom and it was all in her hair and I went to gagging. I can do alot of things, but I can not do throw up at all. Isn't that horrible, not even with the "itty bitty" sad. The HOTY said, just give her to me I will do it and I continued to gag for about the next 30 minutes. It took 2 baths to get the smell out of her hair and off of her. This is the 1st time she has ever thrown up. I felt horrible that I could not help, but I appreciated the HOTY for getting it all cleaned up.

The reason I am sharing this story with you is because every Mommy needs the Ultimate Crib Sheet. They sell these at Babies R Us for less than $20.00 and they are awesome. It snaps on the crib on top of the regular sheet and it is waterproof. However, it does not show from the side of the bed, it actually only covers the top. It is really soft on one side and very comfy for them to sleep on. When you are ready to wash it, you just unsnap it and wash it and your other sheet is still in perfect condition. Not to mention, when people come into your nursery they never see it from the side, only if they look down in the crib. I am telling you, it is a must have and it protects your sheet and mattress at the same time.

We actually have it on the bed in this picture and you can't even see it, but you can still see your sheet from the side. I am telling you...if you have never seen the Ultimate Crib Sheet, you need to check it out.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as IKE gets closer to us.


  1. Thank goodness that throw up wasn't in her toes...that would have totally put Curtis out of commission, lol! Poor little one! We had many shopping carts and baby strollers at our house. They were always a favorite toy...and I have the marks in the walls to prove it! :-)

  2. I couldn't help but really laugh at this story...not BECAUSE you were gagging, but the thought of you gagging...does that make sense?

    It reminded me of time when I left cottage cheese in a bowl with the lid on it for a couple of days---when Tedra and I lived together. When she opened it, she thought it was something else (sour cream maybe) and she gagged for 10 minutes :)

    Stay safe!!!
