Thursday, September 18, 2008

We are safe & sound!

Ike has come and gone, but we still have reminders of him everywhere. The biggest one is NO POWER. This is a house a couple streets over from ours that did not fare well in the storm. Our home is in great shape, Thank You JESUS. However, I have friends and colleagues that have lost their homes and many are not in the shape to be lived in for many months. I have a co-worker that lost her home to a fire the night after Ike. We were truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for and will rejoice when our power is restored. Unfortunately, our neighborhood lost so many trees and power lines that we have been told we would be without power for quite some time.

We have a couple lakes in our neighborhood that are filled with ducks and turtles and these guys seemed to be the ONLY ones enjoying the storm.

The "itty bitty" has been such a trooper during all of this. She turned 15 months old on Monday, so I took her in the yard and took a few pictures of her to add to her baby website. I am amazed at how big she has gotten and how fast the time has flown by.

This baby girl definitely holds the key to my heart. Being a Mommy is the best job I have ever had in the whole world. I can not wait to spend the rest of my life watching my babies grow up.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as our neighbors and schools continue to recover from the storm. Our school district is closed indefinitely... and I am missing my kiddos at school ~ hoping & praying they are all safe.


  1. First time commenting. I love your little girls dress. Where did it come from? I have been praying for your family and I'm happy to hear that you all are safe with no damage. Continuing to keep all the others that weren't so lucky in my prayers.

  2. Laura,

    I am so glad all is fine. I have been asking Tedra about you and heard about you guys "trying" to get to College Station. I am just so sad to hear about all the terrible things happening in my hometown...but so thankful that all my friends and family are safe.
    I can't image you guys not going back to school for so long...I have also been praying for the schools and the kids.

    Glad to hear from you :)
