Tuesday, October 14, 2008

First Homecoming

This has been an exciting week at school and Friday night is our Big Homecoming Game. The kids are very excited and overjoyed with school spirit this week. So, if you have been reading my blog I am sure you have noticed my sweet baby in her Cheerleading outfit that she wears to the weekly football games. This week is no different, I plan for her to wear it to her 1st Homecoming and have a great time enjoying the band, cheerleaders, drill team and most of all the football game.

Well, let me set the scene. I am the Assistant Principal at my school that supervises the drill team and the cheerleaders. That could be a full time job in itself and you know what I am talking about if you have ever participated in one of these events or have had a child that has been involved in one of these organizations ~ can we just say lots of DRAMA!

Let me just say, that all of these girls are so super sweet in both organizations and they like to give me a really hard time about what the "itty bitty" is going to be wearing to the Friday night Football game.

As I aforementioned Friday night is Homecoming, so one of my FAVORITE drill team girls showed up today with this cute mum for Miss Emma to wear.

She also proceeded to ask me, "uh, and what size overalls does she wear because I am going to make her some cute ones for the game, because I don't want her to wear that Stupid cheer outfit again". Needless to say, I just laughed hysterically.

It was not 5 minutes later that one of the Cheerleaders said, "Please don't let her dress like the drill team, YUCK!"

Somethings just NEVER change.

Truthfully, they are all very sweet girls with amazing personalities...for the most part. I just had to share this little mum with all of you because I thought it was the cutest and sweetest thing ever and yes, we will bring it to the game on Friday night while we cheer the Rangers on to another VICTORY!


  1. Oh my goodness --how sweet is that little mum! You must be a very busy lady with all of the responsibilities that you have and I am sure that there is no shortage of drama!

    Go Rangers!

  2. Go Rangers! I so hope y'all win again! Love the itty bitty mum!

  3. I'm a little partial...but I think she should dress up as one of the STARS :)

    The mum is adorable!

  4. I think you are amazing for working with teenaged girls every day! I will pray for you tomorrow. I am anxiously awaiting the results!

  5. Hahaha! I am laughing out loud because I can remember like it was yesterday...oh, the drama of high school! I had a group of about 15 bible study girls over the last 6 years and they would wear me out. They were seniors last year!!! I felt like I was way to old at the sleepovers and at the mall with them! Yet amazingly, they are so fun! I am dying to know about the littler bit...boy or girl?!?! Can't wait. Good luck tomorrow. I will be praying. I know how anxious you are until that doctor tells you that everything is perfect! You are one super lady. I know how time consuming the cheer and dance are and hello, you are an asst. principal um...and mom and wife! Wowsers, girl, you are my hero! Thanks for the info on the chair. I am going to check into it!

  6. That is so precious! NAD h ow cute for her to wear overalls. What a hard decision to make which she should be....a cheerleader or drill. Too cute!!!! I cannot wait to see the overalls. Have fun!!!!
