Saturday, October 11, 2008

Trip to the Farm

We took a little trip to the Farm today for a couple different reasons. It looked really fun online and they also had 16 acres of pumpkins planted where you could pick your own. It was about 90 miles from our house, so we left early this morning so we could get there around lunch time.

These little chickens were singing away and the "itty bitty" really enjoyed watching them.

She sat on this little bench and paid very close attention to every cluck they made.

Mommy and Emma feeding the goat. Daddy was afraid they were going to bite her fingers, because there was a sign on the fence that cautioned us of that. Remember, he is the rule follower...not me. She loved when the food was gone and the goat just licked her hand.

Here she is in the "punkins". You can really see how black her eye still is in this picture and this is 2 weeks old.

Daddy and Emma touching the pigs snout. Emma was not too sure about this, but she finally got down there and started rubbing him and calling him Beamer (our weenie dog).

Out of all the pumpkins on the farm...this is the one she picked out and wanted. She was really excited about it too.

I decided to just put Emma in a pumpkin shirt and jeans today and we would go to the pumpkin patch closer to home next Saturday where she could wear her little pettiskirt. After we got there...I was so glad that I did not dress her in that, people would have been staring at me like I was a crazy Mommy. I am hoping her black eye will be gone by next weekend too, so we can get some great pictures of her for my scrapbook.
Honestly, Emma was still a little young to enjoy all they had there...she really needed to be about 3. We just wanted to take her to a real pumpkin patch and to see all the farm animals. Yes, we are probably a little eager to do somethings with her. Oh well, it was fun for the 2 hours we were there and she enjoyed the animals and the hot dog she had for lunch.


  1. I love those little jeans! I wish your pictures were bigger so I could see her sweet little self better!

  2. What a beautiful family....and that picture of your child with the little wings!!! Too cute.

    Just stopping by from Mimi's Memories.

    Great blog!

  3. I love the pictures of Emma with the punkins. You really got some cute shots!

  4. I love the pictures and those precious little jeans! Looks like ya'll had a lot of fun!

  5. Laura Ann,

    Glad that your Squash Casserole turned out good and that your guests liked it. Thanks for giving me an update!
