Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I couldn't wait for Christmas

Yesterday when I came home from work there was a really BIG box on the porch. I thought it had to either be from Eden's Bouquet or it was the HOTY's Christmas present I ordered. Much to my surprise it was this & I cried as soon as I opened it. I knew when I saw it there was no way I could wait till Christmas to give this to my sweet husband. He has looked forever for the perfect thing with this scripture on it for our home, but just has never found the exact thing he wanted.

When I saw this on Angie's blog months ago, I saved it in my favorites, hoping he never saw it. I knew the minute I found out what we were having that I would order this for him. No, it is not the typical toolbox, game or piece of sports memorabilia that most men would want for Christmas...it is very different and so is my husband. He is probably the most loving, kind hearted, sensitive, compassionate, family oriented, sentimental man I have ever met in my life...along with my grandfather. Anyone who knows him would say these same things about who is and what he stands for in life. I was so excited for him to get home from work today, so I could give it to him. Of course when he opened it, I cried like a baby.

I can not even describe to you in words what it felt like for me to hold this in my hands and see Gavin's name on it. When I looked at it, I just kept thinking...my family is complete. This is all I have ever wanted and always dreamed of and it is mine and I love EVERYTHING about it.
Needless to say, Emma & Gavin's Daddy loved it too! There is no doubt in my mind that no matter how much time passes, how old our children become, that this will always be true in our home...As for me and my house we WILL serve the Lord.


  1. I wanted that sign too when I saw it on her blog! I just LOVE it and I am so glad you have it!

  2. Ok, I need the details on where to get one of those. I saw something similar to it some time ago...I LOVE IT..I bet he was so happy! I can't wait to "meet" sweet Gavin.

  3. Okay...I need to know where I can order one of those from! I love it!

  4. I don't even know your husband and this post made me get teary eyed! I have asked Josh for one of the tiles for my anniversary gift. It's in a couple of weeks. I think I am just going to get The Francis Home on ours since our family is hopefully not complete! I think your tile turned out perfect. You will have to take a family picture by it when Gavin gets here!

  5. I love it!!!! And what a sweet gift for your husband!!!

  6. Love it!! I asked Santa for one too :)

    It is just so beautiful...and you are right, complete!!

  7. I love it! I love that Bible verse, as well. We have it in our home, but I really love this sign! When our family is complete, I would love to get one of these. Thank you for sharing your special moment.

  8. That is one of my most favorite scriptures. What a great gift!!!

  9. I teared up reading that....that is just too sweet! And that sign is fantastic!!! I want to order one myself!

  10. I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE it! :-) So perfect! I have to agree...Curtis is THE VERY BEST...I have put my order in for one just like him! :-)

  11. Very thankful you received this gift and were so pleased with it, as was he!
    I kind of knew, after speaking to you on the phone, this wouldn't stay a Christmas secret for long!:)
    Blessings to you and your family always.
    Matthew 21:22

  12. I LOVE it and I couldn't have waited for Christmas, either! So happy that God has chosen to bless you with Gavin to make your family complete!
