Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Fall Festival

Today was the Fall Festival at MDO for the "itty bitty". The HOTY and I both got to step away from work to attend the little carnival and her classroom party. Emma was so excited and proud that we were both there. She marched herself right in the doors chattering and talking the whole way, holding her Daddy's hand (of course).

So I really did fall in love with the puppy costume afterall. I was a little worried that people were going to think she was a boy, but after adding the bows it was "girly" enough for me.

Look at that big girl at the ring toss trying to get one on the spiders leg.
This is Emma's class at MDO. Yes, that is my child in the teachers lap screaming to get away, with a sucker in her hand and she had no clue what to do with it. She unwrapped it right when we got there and never stuck it in her mouth, not once. I am not even sure if she knew it was edible.
It took her a while and a little encouragement from Daddy to get her to do the bean bag toss. However, she finally made it in and got a prize for her efforts.
When we returned to her room they had the tables set up for every kid just like this with their name on the little placemat. They had painted their little hands black last week and put it on the paper to make a spider, which was so cute (that part is hidden under the plate).
Here is Emma at the table with her little MDO buddies. It was so cute to see them all sitting around that table. Emma is the youngest and smallest one in her class, but she fits in just fine. The kids range from 16 months - 24 months, but remember when she started she was only 14 months old. I must say that our little chatterbox talks more than any of them in the room.

Today was wonderful and so are all the ladies who work at the MDO program. They are so organized, patient and kind. There was so much for the kids to do from Emma's age up to Pre K and I think she really enjoyed it.


  1. I'm pretty sure that is the cutest costume I have ever seen!! She is just adorable! I'm so glad you and your husband were able to attend for a little while. That will be a great memory you have with Emma!

  2. Macy has her carnival at MDO tomorrow. She is so excited. Little Emma is too cute in that costume. That is great. Glad you were both able to get away and attend. That makes it even more fun and special. Thanks for the advice on the camera. I read it after I bought the camera.

  3. Wow Emma looks so cute in her halloween costume! I have a question. Emma always have on really nice clothes. Were do you get them? I love the sweater that she had on in the previous post where did you get that one from?

  4. She looks precious!! Love the costume!

  5. Thank You! Your little girl is precious in her little costume! I just love it! I am working on the nursery as we speak so maybe it will be finished soon!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! That is PRECIOUS!

  7. What a precious costume. She looks adorable!!!

  8. OHHHH - how cute is your little puppy!!! The whole party looks like fun!

  9. Oh My - She is precious in that costume! She's soooo cute!

  10. How could you NOT have fallen in love with that puppy costume! OMG...Emma is adorable in it! Glad that you and your hubby got to slip away and attend the carnival and party! Fun times!
