Friday, October 24, 2008

No...No pictures

Yep, your looking at her. The 16 month old who refused to have her picture taken at Mother's Day out yesterday. She just was not having it, nope not at all. They took her to get her picture taken, she proceeded to tell them, "no" and cried. I am not sure if she is just being LOYAL to our photographer or she was having a bad day.

I think I might have a "strong willed child" on my hands, what do you think? Truth be known, I probably did something very similar to this as a child.

When I picked her up I said, "Emma, you didn't want to get your picture taken today?" She very politely looked at me and said, "no". Daddy knew that I was a little sad, so he took these pictures of her this evening when they got home.


  1. She's too precious! A strong will can be good...

  2. Emma Michelle called me last night and we have a date for a photo shoot. HA! I hope she doesn't tell me "no". My little heart will break. :-) Better start reading "The Strong Willed Child"! I love the little sweater. It's so cute!

  3. Oh to be humbled by the little children in our lives...I am sure I do not even know the half of it! Flint and I talk just about every other day about how we will be eating all of our words on parenting in just a few short months!
    Luckily, you still caught that little cutie and her precious sweater with a snapshot!!!

  4. Ha! So funny...gotta love a girl who will stand her ground! ;-)

  5. I wonder where little Miss Emma gets that "strong-will"?????

    I think Daddy's pictures are just as cute if not better anyway :)

  6. How funny Brook did the same thing! She would not have anything to do with taking pictures at Mother's Day Out yesterday either!

  7. What a precious girl, even if she didn't want her picture made at MDO! Her outfit is just adorbale. She is going to be the best looking big sister around!

  8. Last year for our family Christmas portraits, Abby would not smile, no matter what we did! Now she's a little ham! Go figure... :)

    Love the adorable sweater. Too cute!

  9. What an adorable sweater for such a beautiful little girl!

    At least you still captured some beautiful memories of the day. I think maybe Daddy might should be a photographer himself!

  10. is too stinking cute. I love her sweet smile. She is going to be the best big sister.
