Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can't wait to see his Toes

One week ago today we found out that the 4th Frazier would be a BOY! Needless to say, I have been dreaming and thinking about him ever since. I just can't wait to hold him in my arms and scope him out from head to toe. I often found myself unwrapping and unclothing the "itty bitty" when she was a newborn, just to look at every little piece of her body. Her hands and feet amazed me the most, they still amaze me.

This morning when I got up bright and early to get in the shower I looked on the bathroom mirror and staring at me were Emma's two little hand prints that were probably left there from her "brush teeth". She loves to tell us about 3 times a day, "brush teeth, brush teeth, brush teeth". I really think she just enjoys eating the tooth paste. I could not help but stare at those little hand prints and smile, wishing I could leave them there forever & that they would stay that little forever. I would love to get a picture, but I am sure there is no way without getting a bad reflection or glare, unless I hired the Paparazzi (Darla) to come over and get a shot of that.

There will be many things that we redo when Gavin gets here and taking this picture will be one of them. Only this time, he will have 2 bands on his toe because his Daddy gave me another one on our anniversary last year. Oh, how I long to smell him, hold him, kiss him, sing to him, pray with him and tickle his little toes.


  1. I wonder if he will have those teeny tiny feet like Emma!

  2. So exciting to be having a little boy!!!!!! Isn't it so much more real when you know what it is and can call them by name??

  3. That is a wonderful picture! I can't wait for all of those moments!

  4. What a precious picture! You were right. Her feet were tiny! Brody's feet were probably that size when I was 20 weeks pregnant with him!

    That was such a sweet post. I cannot wait for Gavin to get here. Along with is little hands and feet!:)

  5. Such a precious picture and I know Gavin's will be just as precious! So happy for you!

  6. so i don't know you....but i know tedra and i hopped onto your blog from her blog. i just wanted to tell you that this picture is absolutely amazing....i LOVE it! and i love your sound like such a great mommy! :) i love the story of you throwing up....i laughed all the way through it! don't worry...throw up or not-you're an awesome mom! :)

    thanks for the read....

