Saturday, October 18, 2008

Punkin Patch

We made our way to the "punkin" patch today and the little one just loved it. Surprisingly enough, we both felt like she enjoyed it more than the day at the farm. We picked out a pumpkin to carve, so we will see how that goes with a 16 month old.

Of course, she tried to pick up every pumpkin she came across today and there were lots of them.

It was a hard decision for her to pick out the exact one she wanted.

Then there was always her getting off task to STARE at the other children...yes, yes, yes, that comes very natural for her.

Enjoying a ride in the wagon with one of the "punkins" from the patch.

It has been a long hunt for the perfect "punkin" to take home with us, so Mommy & Daddy can carve it.

It was a beautiful was awesome...enjoyed a great meal with my family...did a little shopping...loved on Emma Caroline...praised God for Gavin...prayed for a friend that had a hard day...supervised a Homecoming dance tonight...picked up the house...balanced the checkbook and now I am blogging.

Still so excited that I am having a BOY, but I am off to see if I can get some rest.


  1. Where in the world did you get that adorable outfit????

  2. Oh my goodness, she is precious! What a darling outfit that she has on! You really captured some precious photos of Miss Emma. Love the one in the Radio Flyer wagon. Thanks for sharing them! Too cute!

  3. She is just so precious! I love the outfit too!!!

  4. Love the outfit! She is so adorable!!!!
