Sunday, October 19, 2008

Daddy's Old...Gavin's New

How awesome is this? My Mother-in-law spent the day with us today and she brought me the sweetest little surprise. This is going to be the outfit Gavin has his hospital pictures taken in and I can not wait.

You see, this is no normal outfit...this is the outfit Gavin's Daddy came home from the hospital in 34 1/2 years ago and I love it. The detail is not great in these pictures, but I had to share it with all of you. It is a very light blue and white tweed material that is in excellent condition. She also brought me a blanket and another sweater that he wore when he was a baby that she saved. I am so grateful to have these things and it means so much to me that my sweet little boy will be able to wear something his Daddy wore. Get your camera ready Darla, I can not wait for you to capture this memory for us. This will definitely be framed and hung in my sweet babies nursery.
I am so excited that we are having a little is all I can think about!


  1. Awwww, that is so sweet and I love the outfit. Can't wait to take pictures! Don't worry, I'll be ready! :-)

  2. That is the sweetest thing ever! How awesome that your mother-in-law saved such a special outfit for Gavin to wear! I cannot wait to see the precious pictures of him in this very special outfit!

  3. Oh my gosh! That is wonderful! I LOVE that!

  4. How sweet is that?!?! Flint's mom has his hospital outfit framed nicely...if we have a little boy, I want to hang it in our nursey...if she will part with it! It is so precious!

  5. That is so sweet. We dug out my coming home dress the other day and it actually matches our nursery great, so we planning to frame it for the one is a girl of course! ;0)

  6. So so sweet! I love things with sentimental value...just like Emma's rocking chair. Can't wait to see the pics of Gavin in this sweet outfit!

  7. What a sweet outfit! It's wonderful that Gavin will be able to wear it as well.

    Thank you so much for the stocking idea! I'm so "one baby minded" these days that I didn't even think about wanting the others to match one day. I'm going back to TJ Maxx this week!! You're so smart!! ;)
