Sunday, November 16, 2008

1.5 years - 1 month = My Baby

It is hard to believe that our "Itty Bitty" turned 17 months old yesterday. She is getting so big, so fast, but she is oh so much fun. You know the routine, every month on her birthday we take her picture so we can remember exactly what she looked like at that time.

She was not wanting to smile when I asked her if I could take her picture.

I kept telling her to go stand over there against the wall, well she did just was so funny, I really just intended for her to stand in the general area.
We finally ended up going outside, thinking she would cooperate a little more. Instead she took off running down the sidewalk and after the dog-dog.

At the end she decided to strike a pose, but would never look at me. It was hilarious...she would squat down, put her hands on her knees and say, "cheese".
It should be interesting next Saturday when we attempt to do her Christmas pictures and our family picture. Any ideas on how to get a 17 month old to sit still and look at the camera, lets not forget smile too? Perhaps I should suggest to my photographer that she dress up like a dog-dog, that would do the trick.


  1. She is so beautiful! That is such a fun age, isn't it? I am afraid I don't have any real answers on how to get her to sit still and look in the camera, but I am sure the "paparazzi" are experienced with that! I'm sure she'll do great and look as precious as ever!

  2. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I love her outfit. Where did you get it? I wish I had some advice on getting her to take a picture but mine are 5 and 2 and I STILL can't get them too..HA!! Hopefully the photographer can get her too..HA!

  3. Yes, I hope your photographer can get her to smile and not say CHEESE! Actually, your photographer is bringing her secret weapon...Leigh Leigh! HAHA!

  4. She is just adorable! That last picture is the cutest thing - it looks like she's laughing so hard that she's got to hold herself up!! What a cutie pie you have!

  5. What a cutie! I do love some serious face shots of little kids, too. :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  6. She is so precious!!! I think you did a great job with pics...and Lord knows Darla will know what to do :)Can't wait to see the Christmas pics!
