Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun Filled Saturday

Finally sitting down and wanted to share my Saturday with you guys... It started at 6:00 this morning when I left the house to head to school to complete our Senior Fundraiser. Long story short my Seniors sold cases of Coke, yes 24-20oz sodas for $20.00 a case. That is .83 a soda that would normally cost about $1.50 in a convenient store. Our goal was to sale 2500 cases of Cokes to earn money to go towards the Senior Prom that cost about $50,000 to produce and I am 100% responsible for that gig for the 2nd year. Can we just say...lots of work! Let me just tell you how many Cokes my sweet babies sold.
3258 Cases Sold
Which just happens to be a total of:
  • 5 ~ 18 wheelers full of Coke Product

  • 68 Pallets

  • 78,192 bottles

  • 1,563,480 ounces of soda

  • $65,160 worth of product sold

And yes, every case of Cokes was picked up by the students that sold them between the hours of 8-12 today with the exception of 24 cases. I have a huge smile on my face because it is over, we profited about $20,000 and my kids far exceeded my expectations in every area when it came to this fundraiser. Way to go Class of 2009, you guys are awesome and I am so PROUD to be your Assistant Principal.

After that was all said and done, I met up with the HOTY and "Itty Bitty" for about 45 minutes to see them before I went to get my haircut. They were out running errands and picking up Baby Gavin's bedding that is already completed and oh so cute. I will have to share that with you when we get the Nursery all painted. When I left getting my haircut, I called and my sweet family was still in the area, so we decided to meet up for some Frozen Yogurt.

My friend Tedra had been telling us about this place called Swirll that we needed to check out, so today was our first day to make a visit and it was awesome. They had everything you could imagine and it was a do-it-yourself kind of place.

When you go in, you get a cup and choose the kind of yogurt you would like and there are 10 flavors to choose from ~ all Non Fat.
Then you make your way to the dangerous zone that has all kinds of toppings for your yogurt. Doesn't it look like big fun?
Then there is all the fruit and nuts you can imagine, if you choose to lean more towards the healthier things. Then you weigh your yogurt, pay your bill and eat up. What is your you think the littlest Frazier liked it?
I think she loved it! She took mine and her Daddy's away at one point and would not give it back.

It was a busy Saturday, but a very productive one for me. All in all, it was a great day and life is good. I know and have read of so many great things happening to and for people lately and that makes my heart smile.


  1. That is so amazing that the seniors sold so much! We had to sell magazines our senior year for prom, but I'm pretty sure that we could have raised a lot more if we had sold coke products!

    Swirl looks simply amazing! I'm so jealous! We have nothing like that in Arkansas. That's like a pregnant woman's dream! Miss Itty Bitty looked way too cute today!!

  2. Well, I was hoping for "The HOTY Turns NOTY" post but I guess this will have to do! I can't believe all of those cokes. YOU are incredible! I adore that hat Emma has on. I can just see her in one of those other ones. What fun!

  3. Now THAT'S a fundraiser! Amazing! I have never known anyone to sell Coke products as a fundraiser, but what a great idea!

    Swirl looks like it would be awesome. YUMMO! Miss Emma's cute little hat.
