Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bows to Dogs

Last year the "itty bitty" was only 6 months old at Christmas, so Mommy decorated her tree in her bedroom with some of her hair bows and it was so girly and so cute.

As you all know, lots has changed since last year and we have a very strong willed and extremely independent child on our hands. I decided I would let Emma decorate her tree in something she really wanted and would enjoy this year.

This is her new position when I ask her to let me take her picture. She stops, squats down, puts her hands on her hips and shouts "CHEESE". This just cracks us up.
Guess what she picked out? A dog~dog themed tree. Before night-night time, we decided we would sit in her room and let her decorate her little tree. It is still an unfinished product, however I had to share a picture with you...yes, this is most of the ornaments cluttered on one little branch. She insisted that they all go in the same spot. The HOTY and I just kept laughing as we watched her decorate it and she was so proud of all her hard work.
We will have to share the finished tree with you when we get it all completed, for now... I can not help but wonder how perfect the world must be through the eyes of a 17 month old.


  1. I love the bow tree, but I'm sure the dog-dog tree will be just as cute! She is way too precious! I love the picture with her hands on her hips. You have one sassy girl!

  2. How cute is that tree... very creative!

  3. How cute is she?! I love that outfit! I have an Emma myself... love that name!

    I came via Kelly's blog... Love your blog!

  4. Wow I love the bow tree! Thanks for given me an idea for Kennedy~Grace's tree. Were did you get the cute X-Mas outfit from. Please tell me that I can order it inline somewhere.

  5. What a great idea to have a hair bow tree! That was so cute!

    I love the new "pose" for her pictures! Laura Ann, she is absolutely precious! I could just eat her up.

    Can't want to see the finished dog-dog tree!

  6. She is so cute! I love her little poses! hehe!

    And the potty post is So cute. That is exciting! Amelia is 19 months and has been telling me for a couple when "business" happens. I would LOVE to have her out of diapers before the new baby gets here in April. I already have her potty. Maybe I should try it out on her...
