Saturday, November 29, 2008


Nope ~ we are not sad around here by any means, however we are dealing with Separation Anxiety Disorder around the Frazier household. It has been crazy around here for about a week now with the "Itty Bitty" and me...needless to say, she is attached to me at all times except when she is sleeping. I am convinced and told the HOTY yesterday that if she could crawl back into my tummy and Gavin would so kindly let her move in, she would have been back in there last week.

I don't know what it is ~ part of me wonders if she knows we are getting close to bringing her baby brother into the world or if it is just a phase. Emma has always been very close to her Daddy and he is 100% a hands on Daddy and does as much as I do, probably more to be real honest with you. However, she does not want much to do with him these days either. I think his feelings are really hurt too.

Needless to say, my days have been spent doing nothing but giving her all of my attention and love. I am either exhausted by the time she goes to bed or running around here doing the things I would normally do while she is playing with Daddy or playing independently.

Please don't think I am complaining, I have enjoyed the time I have had off and can say that I have devoted every bit of it to my favorite little girl in the entire world and I have loved every second of it!


  1. The picture of you and Emma is absolutely gorgeous! Ya'll have to be the most photogenic family I have ever seen!

    I very much remember all of my children going through "phases" where they favored me or their dad more. I think it is a perfectly normal thing, but it does really wear you out when they won't allow anyone to help you do anything for them. I know that you must be very tired. Hang in there --it is just a phase and soon she will be Daddy's Girl again!

    Praying for you that you will get some much-needed rest today before you head back to work tomorrow.

  2. That picture of you two girls is BEAUTIFUL!!!

  3. I love the picture precious!! I think you are right, I think she knows little Gavin is on the way :)
