Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Guess who...

Accompanied their Mommy to vote this afternoon? The "itty bitty" and Baby Gavin. Yep, both of my children participated in their first Presidential election today. I could not have been more proud to walk in there today with all the candidates on paper that I had carefully selected and highlighted with my two children with me. Life is good and the countdown is on!

No pictures to share & we did not even get a sticker that said, I VOTED! What is up with that?

We are still not feeling well around here, so I am off to bed. Oh one quick story, Emma had to go to the Dr. yesterday and she has a double ear infection. However, my witty child kept telling the pediatrician "all done, all done" every time she would look at her throat, ears or listen to her heartbeat. It was so funny. When the Dr. went to leave, through her tears she managed to tell her "Thank You".

It does not stop there...when we got home her Daddy asked where she went today and she said, "Dr. Daddy". This kid impresses me more and more everyday!


  1. Is she the smartest :) Poor baby though...I know she hates the doctor!!!

  2. Aww...bless her! I pray that she will soon be back to good as new and "All Done" with these nasty ear infections! Hope ya'll all feel better soon!

  3. I didn't get an I Voted sticker, either. I was rather bummed.

  4. Hope you all get to feeling better. We've had it all going around our house. It's that time of year I guess.

  5. Bless her heart! I hope she feels better soon! I, too, did not receive an "I voted" sticker, but I didn't have to wait in a line to vote,so I guess I can't complain!
