Sunday, November 2, 2008


We are all a little under the weather at our house, but I wanted to share a few pictures from Halloween for you to enjoy. We joined my BFF and her family at the school carnival in their neighborhood. Emma used up all her tickets people watching (ha ha). This kid stares as bad as her Mommy does...I love to just sit and watch people and I could do it all day if it weren't for the nudge the HOTY gives me when he catches me doing it ~ which is often.

Emma with her Ra-Ra (my BFF) as we were headed into the carnival.

Emma with Addy, this is Ra-Ra's middle child and Emma's favorite. I know we are not suppose to have a favorite, but this child is "one of a kind" and so sweet to Emma.

After the carnival we headed back home to knock on a few of our neighbors doors and then we were in the house for the night. It was fun to watch Emma walk up to the doors for a little treat. I think she knew exactly what was going on...especially when they put something in her basket. She wanted to sit down right then and eat it.

These are the 2 little boys across the street waiting to go Trick or Treating themselves.

Here she is... the cutest little dog I have ever seen. I am so glad that I allowed Emma to be something she really wanted to be for Halloween. I just wonder what it will be next year?

I hope that all of you have a great week. Please remember to go and vote if you did not participate in early Voting. I will be standing in line on Tuesday. The HOTY has already voted, but I never found time to sneak away and get that done. In the meantime, I will continue to pray over the election and hope that my candidate is chosen.


  1. that swing set makes a great backdrop. I love the way her little tail drags the ground, lol! Hope you are feeling better this morning!

  2. I think your little puppy dog was just precious!

  3. She is the cutest little puppy. You sound just like me. Hubs is always kicking me under the table. I've always said if there was a job where I got paid to just sit and watch people all day I would definetly sign up..HA! Hope all is going well with sweet baby boy.

  4. I am so with you on the "people watching"! I love to just sit on a bench at the mall and watch people!

    Just when I thought Emma couldn't possibly be any cuter! I LOVE her in this costume! I know you must be so proud of her! She is just darling!
