Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This Time Last Year

Today on my ride home from work as I looked in the rear view mirror at my sweet baby, I began to reminisce about what life was like this time last year.

The "Itty Bitty" was 5 months old, weighed 15 lbs. 8 oz. and was 25 inches long. She was rolling over, scooting on her belly, sitting up for a few seconds and laughing out loud. Those days seem like so long ago...sometimes it makes me really sad that the time has passed so quickly. However, we count our blessings daily that she is so happy, healthy and thriving just as she should. Everyday just seems to get sweeter and sweeter!

As I drove down the road looking in that same mirror, I thought to myself...oh, in less than 4 months there will be 2 of my sweet babies back there. I must admit out of all the thoughts I had today, that was the sweetest one of all.

I can not wait to be the Frazier 4...go into a restaurant and say 2 adults & 2 highchairs...put two babies in car seats...bathe 2 babies...buy size 6 and Newborn diapers...pray for 2 babies before they fall asleep at night...have 2 babies on our Christmas card...have a daughter and a son...share my love with both of them...read to them...lay in bed with both of them...hear them both call me Mommy...swing both of them...stay awake with both of them...feed both of them...protect both of them...believe in both of them and most of all LOVE both of them unconditionally, like every CHILD deserves to be loved.

Our God is an awesome God and for that we will forever be thankful!


  1. Ok, thanks for making me cry! You are the sweetest mommy ever!

  2. What a sweet post! You are a precious mommy! Your kiddos are so lucky to have you!

  3. will you please put your little point and shoot camera in the car with you and take a picture of Emma in the rear view mirror! oh, yeah, and then post it on here for all of us to see please and thank you!

  4. That was a wonderful post! And it's too cute that she's calling your stomach My Bubba.

  5. What a sweet baby girl. I love her eyes. It's amazing how fast they grow. Before you know it the two of them will be in the back seat arguing....Maybe not, but mine do...HA!

  6. Our God is an awesome God and you are truly blessed!
