Monday, November 10, 2008

Uh.....My Bubba

I am convinced at this point that the "witty itty bitty" knows exactly what is going on in the Frazier household. We always talk about the baby and that she will be getting a baby brother soon. She does things to let us know she understands, like put alot of soap on my belly in the bath and say, "baby bath" or point to my belly while talking or loving on the baby.

Saturday morning, which is my favorite day of the week because once Emma wakes up we all lay in bed and talk and play for about an hour. It is some of my favorite family time. No, she does not sleep with us...but we bring her in there as soon as she wakes up.

This Saturday morning we were all in the bed talking and playing and she put her hands on my belly and said, "my Bubba". The HOTY and I just looked at each other and laughed. She has continued to call my belly Bubba since then. Uh, we never really wanted her to call her Brother Bubba ~ maybe she will switch to Gavin soon.

I think we are all starting to feel a little better around here and the coughs are slowly going away. We managed to get some things accomplished this weekend. I snapped these pictures of our sweet baby girl before we headed out of the house to go shopping on Saturday. She is getting so BIG! If you look real close you can see one of her little bottles for her baby in her mouth. She loves to pretend she is feeding the baby and often times she likes to suck on it herself.

Lots going on around here and the Holiday Season is upon us already. We will be going fast and furious from this point on, till about January. We did manage to get Emma's Christmas dress and shoes bought this weekend, so that can be marked off the list.

Great news... we found out today that our cousins Melissa and Sean who are expecting twins are having a BOY and a GIRL and did I mention...We are so excited. They got pregnant through IVF, so they have been doubly blessed. These little guys are super healthy and measuring exactly where they should be. We are due around the same time, so if all goes as planned our babies will be days apart.

Hope to get back in the swing of things this week since everyone is feeling a little better around here.


  1. Don't go knockin' any Bubba's's all good, it's a Texas thang! We have a big Bubba and a little Bubba! I never wanted to call my boys Bubba either but it's a sweet term of endearment. Just look at it that way! :-)

  2. Watch - as much as you dont want to - that baby's nick name will become "BUBBA"....but how cute - his big sister started that....
