Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Christmas Tradition

We have had another little person join our family this weekend and it is...Elf. That is what the "itty bitty" is calling him for now. I have been wanting to get this book and little guy for a couple months now, but just have never gotten around to it ~ plus it is a little pricey. I am so glad I waited.

Yes, tonight was the first night we all sat down as a family and read the story and it is a good one. We have decided that we would let this be another tradition in our home during the holiday season.

Guess where "Elf" will be in the morning when we wake up? I think he has decided to spend his first night up on the mantle amongst the decorations and stockings. He is so cute, however the HOTY thinks he is a little frightening.

Here is the reason I am so excited we waited to buy this set. We got our hands on an autographed copy, plus my BFF gave me a $5.00 off coupon. Author, Chanda A. Bell was at our Hallmark store yesterday signing books. We did not get to meet her, but she left a couple of signed sets for the store to mix in with all the ones that were left. When I went in to buy it today, I picked one of the ones that were left from yesterday. When I got up to the register to pay, the sweet little cashier told me to open it and look inside. To my surprise, I had gotten one of the autographed copies ~ I was so super excited. Of course I had to text one of my very dear friends, the Librarian to tell her what I had stumbled upon. It is stuff like this that makes her little book loving heart jump for JOY!

Lets see what the "itty bitty" thinks in the morning when she wakes up and how quickly she can find Elf. Oh, and did I mention only 79 more days (March 5th @ 12:00) and my little man will be here to join us in the Frazier family traditions? It will not be long till we get to hold him in our arms.


  1. Since I don't have little ones anymore I had to google Elf on a Shelf. Went to the website ( and you can tell the HOTY that the elf on that website looks exactly like him!

  2. I love the Elf on the Shelf. I have been meaning to order one. I never got around to it. I will do it next year for sure. Wow, on the autographed one. What a find!! I'm so anxious to meet Mr. Gavin.

  3. I've been looking at the Elf on Shelf for a couple of weeks now and I keep putting it back because of the price. Now I have a couple of Hallmark reward dollars and a $5 off coupon, so I think I am going to pick him up tomorrow while Kennedy is at school. I think she will love it. She is constantly moving my Santas all over the house and she thinks my Willow Tree Nativity is her own personal play toy.

  4. We just got one of these for the twins. It is the cutest thing ever!!!
