Thursday, December 11, 2008

Happy Anniversary Curtis

Happy 3rd Anniversary Curtis. Wow ~ 3 years ago today was one of the best days of my life. The day I became your wife and knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would be loved unconditionally for the rest of my life. I often tell people that I over married when I found you. There are days I feel so undeserving of your love and the commitment you have made to me, our marriage and our family. Every single day, you amaze me more.

I will never forget when you dropped to your knee in Cabo San Lucas and asked me to marry was the best surprise of my life. I knew long before that day that you were the man I always prayed God would send my way.

Life with you continues to get better and better friend. You have been so much more than a husband to me and not a day goes by that I do not count you as a blessing.

Thank you so much for 3 wonderful years, I look forward to growing old with you and raising our sweet babies together. You are the BEST Husband and Daddy in the world.

I love you with my whole heart!


  1. OMG this is one of the sweetest posts I have ever read! Your pictures are ALL so beautiful -- I don't even know which one is my favorite!

    I am so thankful that the Lord blessed you with Curtis. I can tell from the way you speak of him that he is a wonderful man! The Lord certainly blessed him with a wonderful wife in you, too!

    Happy Anniversary, Laura Ann and Curtis!

  2. Happy Anniversary! That was such a sweet post! I know you have had a wonderful three years together!

    I LOVE Cabo! That's where we went on our honeymoon!

  3. Ahhh...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! :-) Happy Anniversary! Ya'll are perfect together and know without a shadow of a doubt that God brought you two together! :-) You brought tears to my eyes. You are most deserving of happiness because you have such a true, kind and sincere heart! I love you...and Curtis...I need one just like him...maybe with a little darker tan! HA! :-)

  4. You both are lucky to have each other. I can tell by your posts that the two of you are so in love. What a wonderful example for your precioud children. Happy Anniversary.

  5. I forgot about how Curtis proposed...he is SUCH a romantic :)

    You are blessed Laura!

  6. Oh my goodness! What a sweet, sweet tribute! Happy Anniversary, y'all!

    The pictures are incredibly beautiful!

  7. I just ran across your blog and You have the sweetest family & a beautiful little girl! Congrads!
