Monday, December 29, 2008

Fingerpaint for Gavin

When we started planning for Gavin's Nursery, I thought it would be really awesome if we could put something in there that his Big Sister made (wow, that sounds strange). The HOTY and I decided that we would let Emma do some finger painting on a canvas for a little wall art. It was so cute to watch her do this project. When we got all the supplies out and asked her if she wanted to paint, she began running around the house so excited saying paint, paint, art, art, paint and paint. It was the cutest thing. We were really surprised to hear her saying art, art, art. Guess that money we are spending at MDO 6 hours a week is paying off, huh?

The HOTY painted a base coat on the canvas a few weeks back, so it would match the color scheme of his nursery.

We pretty much let her do whatever she wanted, except rub the paint on the walls of our house.

The HOTY had to hold the canvas up for her to be able to get to the center. She was so proud of herself, look at that smile. She kept saying, pretty.

We don't like to post pictures of Emma with no clothes on because of the crazy folks out there, but if I could...we have the cutest ones of her covered in paint from head to toe. I had to share this one with you ~ oh she was so PROUD!

At the end, she decided to just put it on her hands and slap the canvas, which we thought made for a great finishing touch.
We were all so pleased with how cute this turned out. Now it is going to a lady who will trim out the edges in a cheetah print, put a thin dark brown border around the canvas and add Gavin's name pretty large across the front in chocolate brown. We plan on hanging it over his crib by a brown ribbon.
Remember his nursery is going to be Jungle themed...I can not wait to see the finished project, but it is going to take us about a month to get it complete. Most importantly, I can not wait to hold this sweet boy in my arms...I am already in love!


  1. What an incredible idea.... & I love it... I bet after the finishing touches - its going to look AAA-maa---zing!!!!

  2. That is such a neat idea and I love the way the canvas turned out. Too Cute. Now I can't wait to see the nursery.

  3. So cute! I LOVE this idea. It almost makes me want to have another...NOT!

  4. That canvas is adorable--not to mention the artist! What a great idea and might I say that Miss Emma outdid herself!

    What a special treasure and I can't wait to see the finished "project" in Gavin's darling nursery!

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