Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gettin' my groove back!

The Holidays are behind us and we are still recovering at our house. Long time no blog, huh? We had a wonderful Christmas at our house and got to spend lots of time with loved ones.

Emma in her Christmas Pajamas ready and waiting for Santa Claus. Her Daddy said she looked like a little boy in these PJ's, but I could not pass them up. They have dog-dogs all over them with antlers.

Pouring the milk for Santa Claus with Mommy's help.

Looks like there is a little something for the Reindeer's too.

Spreading the Reindeer food in the yard before she goes to bed.
Christmas takes on a whole new meaning when you have little ones around and it was a blast to watch the "itty bitty's" face light up every time she unwrapped something. She was so appreciative, oohing, awing, saying thank you, cute and loving every gift she was given. Yes, she got way too much and I am feeling a little guilty after the fact. The HOTY and I have already talked about our efforts to scale back next year in hopes of always having a grateful child. It just seems to be so hard...I think the key is shopping from a list and staying out of the stores after all the items are highlighted off.
Looks like someone has been a good girl this year.

When she first got up Christmas morning.

This is as far as she got and we nearly never got her to look at the rest.

I have enjoyed my time off with my sweet little family that is about to grow in 9 short weeks. I can not believe that! The HOTY has been off for 9 days so we have had coloring contest, painted Gavin's sign, played Kitchen, cared for 4 new baby dolls, tended to the animals in the Little People Barn, brought Fairy Tales to life in the Little People Castle, watched Air Buddies, read lots of new books, kenneled about 8 new dogs that arrived from Santa and other family members, played Dr. and so much more. It has been big fun around here for all of us and I must admit, I am a little sad that Daddy is going back to work tomorrow (but thankful he has a job to go to with the way our economy is these days).

Enjoying a burger for breakfast this morning with her little apron on.

Cooking up something with some salt.

Our focus is on Baby Gavin's nursery now. Curtis is on his way to Lowe's to buy some paint to begin tackling that job as I sit here and blog. It is going to be a chore, but this Daddy can do ANYTHING! I can not wait to see this nursery finished ~ I know it will be every bit as cute as Emma's.

All of Emma's big girl furniture has been delivered, along with her bedding. Our goal is to make that transition at the end of January. I am sure it will be a piece of pie with this "witty itty bitty", although we might find her playing kitchen all hours of the night. She has never before had toys in her bedroom, it has always been for sleeping only. For now, she has her kitchen in there but I think I have about convinced the HOTY that we need to forgo our guest room and make it a playroom for the the 2 littlest Frazier's. We currently have it all in our family room, very organized but as we grow something is going to have to give. It will be months down the road before we can make that transition, but it is a thought around here for the time being.

Looks like we will be back in the swing of things around here tomorrow, however I still have 8 more days before I return to work ~ Yippee!


  1. I said to myself this afternoon that if you hadn't posted by today I was going to email you to make sure you were OK. I've missed reading about you and your precious family!

    There is no way that sweet girl looks like a boy in those pjs! She is adorable! And, oh my stars --that pink kitchen!! Mimi's Making Meals so wants one of those! It is gorgeous!

    I simply cannot believe that you only have 9 weeks to go before Baby Gavin arrives! That just does not seem possible to me. How exciting!

    I am glad that you have had such a fun time with family and that you had such a wonderful Christmas. Enjoy the rest of your time off!

  2. I love little Emma's kitchen. Too cute. Every little girls dream. I'm glad the holidays are behind so we can all get back into the Blogging groove of things..HA! Hope you have a blessed New Year!

  3. Definitely looks like someone's been a good girl! Love all the PINK!!!! And how cute is that apron???? Enjoy the rest of your time off!

  4. Ewww, I want that buggy and that kitchen! It fits really well in her room too! She looks so dang cute in those PJ's and sprinkling the reindeer food. I miss Santa...boohoo!

  5. I was started to worry about you too! But I knew you were having big fun with Emma and HOTY! I hope the next 8 days go slowly because I am enjoying the time off too.

  6. How sweet... I was wondering if Santa was going to bring Emma that kitchen set....too cute!

    Looking forward to seeing Gavin's new room :)
