Only 90 more days and there will be a little boy to add into this picture and I look forward to that day.2 + 1 = 3

I can't help but Thank God for all he has blessed me with when I look at this picture. An amazing husband, a healthy daughter and a healthy son on the way. My heart is smiling inside for many reasons tonight. My life has turned out to be everything I have ever wanted, everything I dreamed it would be and everything I love.
Is it perfect? Absolutely not! Will it ever be? No way! Am I grateful? In more ways than I could ever explain! Do I deserve it? No, to God be the Glory! Do I love him? Yes, I do! Will I serve him? For the rest of my life! Will I raise my children in his house? Of course! Do I need him? All the time! Am I forgiven? Everyday!
Aw! What a precious picture!
awww, glad you liked the pic!
Such a precious picture! I wished you lived close to me so I could squeeze itty bitty! She is just so cute! I'm just so excited for you and your family!
You truly are blessed!!!
90 more days? We must be due right at the same time. I am due Mar 3.
You ARE so very blessed Laura :) Beautiful picture!
An absolutely precious picture and a precious post! God has TRULY blessed you, Laura Ann!
Can't wait to add little Gavin to that picture very soon!
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