Thursday, February 12, 2009

Change of Heart

It has been some time since I posted and life is getting busier by the day at our house. No pictures of Gavin's room to post, like promised...but they are coming I promise. His room is 90% done, however there is no baby bed in there yet.

Yes, we have had a change of heart. Our original plan was to put the "itty bitty" in her big girl bed and move the crib to Mr. Gavin's room. Well, last Saturday we started moving the furniture and got the dresser/changing table moved and suddenly realized...we are not ready for Emma to be out of a crib for many reasons.

After many long conversations, we have decided to store Emma's big girl bed and buy her a new crib. We are on the hunt for a cheap one too... and we will be moving our nice crib to Gavin's Nursery. Needless to say, we set out last Sunday to purchase another crib mattress and look for a crib that matches our existing furniture.

One of the main reasons we decided to hold off on the big girl bed has to do with the picture above. What you see is the bed rail that was suppose to attach to the side of her bed. I just needed to read the first couple bullets and I was like NO WAY, my 19 month old baby girl is NOT going in this bed with this rail. Not worth the worry. Never did I imagine that I would have 2 cribs in my house at one time, but it is reality and I am so EXCITED.

Only 20 more days and I will have my baby boy in my arms...oh, I can not wait to see his sweet little face. It is going to be a great day for all of us and it is oh so close.


  1. ohh I am so excited for your family!

    God Bless

  2. We completely understand not wanting to get rid of the crib... Hudson is over 2 years and we are not near ready! Good luck and we look forward to meeting Gavin!

  3. i totally agree about the bed situation, cade will be 2 march 28th and im sooo not ready for a big boy bed yet, theres no rush.

  4. Is it really only 20 days. This seems like it has been the fastest pregnancy of all time. Probably not for you. Neither of my girls went into a big girl bed until around 2.5 even a little after that. Can't wait to see pictures of the room...
