Friday, February 13, 2009

My Favorite Valentine

Just thought I would share a couple pictures of the sweetest Valentine of all with each of you. These pictures were taken earlier in the week, at her request. Yes, I got her dressed for a Dr. appointment and she said, "Mommy picture". I think she thought she was looking so cute that we needed to capture this moment and she was so RIGHT.
Today is her Valentine Party at MDO, so we will be headed there about 11:00 to deliver our goodies and enjoy the festivities. I took a picture of our goodie bags that I will have to post a little later. I was so proud of myself, I allowed her to choose her own Valentine Cards. I was not surprised at all with her got it DOG-DOGS. Who would have guessed, right? They are so cheesy, but exactly what she wanted and I guess that is what matters.

I know that I have said this a hundred times, but I really believe that we have one of the sweetest little girls on the face of the earth. The days are so enjoyable with her and she is so much FUN. She is so full of life and keeps us laughing all the time. I can not wait to see her face when she gets to meet her little brother in 19 more days. She is going to be an awesome Big Sister.


  1. That's the cutest valentine ever! I can't wait to see her face when she sees her baby brother, too. She's going to be SUCH a good big sister!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. OMG!!!! What a precious Valentine!! She is a DOLL!!!! We live to close not to get together soon!!!


  3. She is so precious! I love looking at pics of her. She is a ham!!! I cannot believe that Gavin will be here soon! We cannot wait to meet him! Hopefully we will meet him before our angels come! love you!
