Monday, March 30, 2009

My Daddy's First Train Set

I can not believe that I forgot to post this...thought about it today, shot some pictures and wanted to go ahead and share it with all of you.

The day we came home from the hospital with Gavin, my MIL was here because she kept Emma while we were away. No sooner than we hit the door, she went to our guest room and said, "I can't take it anymore, I have to give y'all this." It was all wrapped up, so I quickly unwrapped it and of course started crying.

It was my sweet husbands first train set that his Mom had saved after all these years. She had it framed, put a plaque in the inside and graciously gave it to us for Gavin. This immediately became one of my favorite things in our nursery. I knew there had to be a story behind this little train set, so I asked her to share.

Curtis' paternal grandmother that is still living, brought this to the hospital and gave it to him the day he was born. She purchased it from a little old man that handmade it many years ago and my MIL was so wonderful to save it for our "little man".

It is a little difficult to read, but the plaque says:

My Daddy's 1st Train Set

July 2, 1974

I am so grateful for my MIL and the fact that she has given me so many precious heirlooms that she has saved over the years from her little boy, allowing us to share them with our little boy. I am so in love with this train set and I can not wait to share the story with Gavin one day.


  1. That is really a special thing your MIL did!

  2. SOOOOOOOOO precious...what a thoughtful gift!

  3. so precious and so priceless! i know gavin will grow to love that train as well!

  4. take it out of the box so we can play with it please! ;-)

  5. That is so sweet and how special that she saved that. Aunt Bev is good at those kinds of things. Kiss Gavin and Emma for us! love you!

  6. How special! I am so thankful you have this to share with Gavin.
    Blessings always,
    Matthew 21:22

  7. What a special treasure to share with Gavin when he gets older! Sentimental gifts like this are just the absolute BEST!

    I agree with you --that would be one of my favorite things in the nursery, too. So sweet!
