Friday, April 3, 2009

One Month Old

It is hard to believe that this "little man" has been a part of our lives for a month already. We still are not 100% sure who he looks like, but we have Dad, Curtis' Dad, Curtis, me and Emma. He changes so much everyday and looks a little different too. We decided to take his 1 month picture this evening and here he is sporting an outfit his Daddy wore when he was a newborn. This is another heirloom my wonderful MIL saved and graciously gave to us. You would have to see this outfit in person to truly appreciate it and it is in PERFECT condition.

My MIL actually has a picture of Curtis in this outfit that I hope to get my hands on soon and I will post it, so we can compare them.

I had to get a close up of these little boots/shoes, they are so cute!
Now this is one handsome little cowboy. Look at those big eyes, I can tell you that he got those from his MOMMY!

The past month has been wonderful and Gavin is a GREAT are a few things about him:
  • wakes up 1 time at night to eat
  • weighs 9lbs 14 oz.
  • 21 inches tall
  • has not lost any of his hair
  • eyes are still blue
  • loves to hang out in a sling and the Baby Bjorn
  • loves to nurse
  • enjoys taking a bath
  • is very noisy when he sleeps
  • enjoys hearing Emma's voice
  • can hold his head up for a little bit
  • first outing was to Sam's
  • first restaurant experience Hasta La Pasta
  • loves to be held
  • screams or sleeps in the car ~ there is no in between
  • has sprayed us many times during diaper changes
  • does not like to have his arms swaddled up
  • enjoys watching lights and the ceiling fan
  • already sleeps 6.5 hours straight at night
  • grown out of Newborn diapers and currently wears Huggies 1
  • wears Newborn and 0-3 month old clothes

We are so blessed to have this little boy in our lives and look forward to watching him grow. We love you so much Baby Gavin and you have made our family complete ~ the Frazier Four!


  1. Goodness he is CUTE!!! I cannot believe it has already been a month! It sounds like he is a great baby!

  2. Oh, Laura Ann, he is ADORABLE! And yes, he does have your big, beautiful eyes! I cannot believe that he is already a month old! Where does the time go?

    I love the little "heirloom" outfit and I can't wait to see a picture of Curtis in the same outfit. How special will that be?!

    I am so thankful that he is such a good boy and that he is bringing so much joy to your lives!

    Have a great weekend, sweet friend,

  3. Laura, that outfit is stinkin' adorable! and he is so, so cute in it! I can't wait to see the baby picture of Curtis in that...I still say he looks like your daddy! :-)
