Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Speaking it into my LIFE!

Lets May of 2008 I had a conversation with my building Principal at the time, where he told me that he had accepted a new position to work in a neighboring school district and open up a brand new High School. I was DEVASTATED, to say the least.

He was not only my boss, but also my friend, my mentor, my teacher, my father figure after my Dad passed away and much more. He is the person who supported me when I met and fell in love with my husband, got engaged, got married, buried my Father, got pregnant, built a new home, got pregnant again and a bunch of little things in between. Oh and let me not forget that he is a family man that LOVES the Lord and does not mind letting you know about it, yes even inside the walls of public school. It does not get much better than that...

Just to give you a little more information, we had worked together in a previous school district and he actually recruited me to come and work at the school I have been at for 5 years. I was a middle school Counselor when he stepped out on faith and invited me to work under him as an Assistant Principal. I had actually tucked that degree away and had no plans of using it...I just loved school and kept going (ha ha)...funny how life works out, huh?

As you can imagine he was THRILLED that he had the opportunity to open this new facility and he quickly slid the plans over to me and said, "look at this place." I must say, it was amazing that a public school could be so nice. I was impressed from the start, so impressed that I quickly....grabbed a sharpie, a stack of post its and started searching for the perfect office for ME! I wrote my name on a sticky and stuck in on an office. He sort of chuckled and said, "your crazy girl"...he told me that many times during our years of working with one another. I just looked at him and said...



So here I sit almost one year later excited to call this place my new home away from home and eagerly awaiting the day to see my new office. Yes, I have accepted an Assistant Principal position that is only 2 miles from my house. God is good!

We will gain access to the building the first of July and I will officially report to work on August 1st for the 2009-2010 school year. I am still under contract and employed at my current school, but am off taking care of my sweet baby.

Look how humongous this place is...435,000 square feet of newness ~ Yummy! We will open up with about 800 kids consisting of only 9th & 10th graders. I can not wait. My case load will be between 200-250 students, I currently have 726 Seniors (by myself).

Let me share with you a few of the reasons I feel so blessed about this opportunity:

  • I will get to see my babies every morning (I never got to see Emma in the mornings because I left so early to make the 35 minute commute and she was still asleep)

  • When I have extra curricular duty (football, baseball & the list goes on) I will be close enough to run home and see my little ones

  • My contract will be 209 days opposed to 220 days which gives me 6 weeks off in summer with my babies opposed to 4

  • I will work for/with an amazing Principal & Associate Principal that I absolutely love, respect and admire.

  • My commute is 2 miles opposed to 30

  • ...the list goes on

This was a very bittersweet decision for me, but I know that God has had his hand in it from the beginning. I will truly miss my colleagues, the kids, the traditions, the parents, my friends and the community. I have had so many wonderful experiences and memories at RSS.

I am going to take a picture of the sticky note on the architectural drawings as soon as I get a chance...It has stayed on that same spot after 11 months.

Once again, I feel so blessed about this new opportunity to make a differece in the lives of young people. It is going to be so exciting to take part in opening up a brand new facility.

Please pray for me and all the other families that will be making the transition to become part of the BULLDOG team.


  1. How exciting! What a blessing to be so close to home!

  2. sniff sniff - I am so happy for you but will miss you soooo very much here! You better stay in touch! Your babies are so beautiful! hugs!

  3. Congratulation on the new job! I hope you the best of luck. By the way are you posting the colors of your babies nursery soon?

  4. Congratulations! I know this is the best thing for your family but we will miss you!

  5. I'm so very proud of you! From the parent of a child whose life you greatly impacted! Love you!

  6. So so Happy for you! I know Trey is amazing....does he have any openings???? I wonder if he would recruite me from FLORIDA????

  7. Oh, how exciting is this news! I am so excited that you will be so much closer to home so that you can spend more time with those precious babies!

    I am sure that your present school hates to lose you, but I LOVE this story about how God worked this all out in your life!

    Such a great list of confirmations that this is the right decision for you. I can't wait to see that sticky note on the architectural drawing!

    I'd say God has been doing his share of WINKING at you, too! (-;

    Love you, sweet friend,
