Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter EGGStravaganza

This post is filled with lots of pictures of the events leading up to Easter Sunday.

The "Itty Bitty's" class at MDO after their egg hunt. These little bitty's were so cute hunting all the eggs. They wanted to open them and eat the candy right away. Notice that my strong willed child is the only one standing...hmmm.

We waited till the last minute, but decided today to take our sweet babies to see the Easter Bunny. Honestly, I did not think we would get a picture so I took this before we left the house. Gavin was not too happy, can you blame him?

We had a few errands to run, so we stopped off at Pottery Barn Kids and look who was there ~ Peter Cotton Tail. This worked out lines, no screaming kids & no pricey picture package. Being the good blogger that I am, I had my handy dandy camera and decided to take the pictures myself. To be honest, Emma had no plans of getting near this BIG EARED FELLA ~ she admired him from afar for about 15 minutes. Well, when we sat her little brother in his lap, she hopped right on up there too. Way to go Gavin!
This is what a trip looks like for us these day...2 strollers in tow, we have not invested in a double one yet...not through researching what is out there.
One of our goals today was to let Emma build-a-rabbit....uh, WRONG. You got it, she built another dog-dog instead. We did everything in our power to persuade her to pick a different one, any one and she was not having it. So now I think we have about 96 stuffed dogs, no kidding we are running a dog shelter over here.
This evening we dyed eggs and this "little man" wanted no part of it.

Emma really enjoyed putting the eggs in the dye or should I say throwing them in there?
Waiting patiently for them to get darker before taken them out.

Look how serious she is about putting the final touches on them. Can you guess what the final touch happens to be?

If you know anything about this child, I am sure you guessed right... a bunch of dog stickers.
Every sweet baby needs an Easter basket. Emma's is filled with lots of sweet treats, a dog book, chap stick (she loves to put this on constantly), dog stickers, a stuffed bunny and the big eggs contain Easter themed Little People (we love them). Gavin's basket has a stuffed duck, some pacis and burp clothes.
We are looking forward to celebrating the real meaning of Easter tomorrow with our sweet babies and our family.


  1. Awww.....what a precious post about your sweet babies!

    I can sorta understand why Gavin might not have been so happy in the picture taken before you left home. (-:

    How great that you had your camera ready for Peter Cotton Tail! You ARE a good blogger! Those packages are so expensive and the pictures are not usually as good as the ones you took!

    I love how Emma loves her dog-dogs! I love a girl that knows what she wants in life! Who knows--maybe she's going to be a veterinarian when she grows up!

    Hope you and your precious family have a wonderful Easter celebrating our risen Savior!

    Love you, friend,

  2. So so sweet!! I love the Easter bunny pic with BOTH babies :) It's adorable!!!

    And that grin on Emma's face with all her dog-dog Easter Eggs is priceless!!

  3. Hi, I came here from Kelly's blog. Love the picture of your cute kids with the Easter Bunny. I haven't seen that type of classic bunny in many Easter Bunny pictures. Also I just had to comment on your Orla kiely placemats. I wanted to buy these at Target but they only had three. Now I am tempted to hit all the targets in my area for a complete set. Glad you had a great Easter with your family
