Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Emma & Gavin ~ Thanks to the both of you and only you, I get to celebrate this day with all the rest of the Mommy's in the world. Some days I think my heart might explode because of how much I love the two of you.

There is nothing in this world that gives me more satisfaction than being your Mommy. I never understood how my own parents felt about me, until I had you and then it became crystal clear. I love every single thing about both of you from the hair on your head to your tiny little toes and everything in between. There is not one little piece of you that has gone unnoticed by me, your Mommy.

Everyday I thank God for blessing me with you and allowing me the privilege of being your Mommy. The one who hugs you when you get hurt, kisses you goodnight, prays with you, teaches you right from wrong, loves you unconditionally, protects you, teaches you about Jesus, makes sure your needs are met and oh so much job as your Mommy will never be done.

Today as you are celebrating me, please know that every day I celebrate the two of you. I love you both more than I can ever tell you in words, therefore I will live out my days showing you.

Thank you my sweet babies, thank you for teaching me how to be YOUR Mommy!


  1. I'm so glad you had a Great Mother's Day!!!

  2. You are a beautiful Mommy - inside and out!

  3. What a beautiful post from such a beautiful Mommy! I love the pictures of you and your adorable babies. And, can I just say that you look gorgeous!

    So glad that you had such a wonderful Mother's Day!

  4. So precious!! I hope that your day was fabulous!!! Kiss the kids for me!!!

  5. SO PRECIOUS! Your thoughts on being Gavin and Emma's mmomy made me tear up! You are the best mommy!
