Monday, May 11, 2009

Off the chart!

Finally got to take my "little man" to the Dr. today for his 2 month check up and shots. We were a week late because of the swine flu and trying to play it safe and keep this healthy little guy out of the Drs. office until we had the clearance from our Pediatrician to bring him for his appointment.

That is a size 2 diaper he is sporting that is soon to be a 3 when the box is empty. If you look real close you can see that he weighs a whopping 16lbs 1/2 ounce and 24 inches long! Yes, my 9 week old is HUGE! He might be a thumb sucker too.

Don't strain your eyes to hard, here is one up close for all of you to see.

Sixteen pounds of pure sweetness too. Oh, he is so pretty to me. My Daddy would have thought this big ole boy hung the moon.

Look who was not going to let anyone do anything to her baby brother. She told the Dr., "no shots for my brother, no shots for Gavin."

Here we go, the first part of the vaccination has begun and he is taking it like a champ!

Hmmm....not so much for the shots. He was not happy with the nurse in this one. My poor "little man" big boy...just give him to me and let us go home.
This is the 1st time I have ever gone to the Dr. for one of my babies to get shots without the HOTY and it went quite well. I am not going to say that it did not make me a little sad, but we made it through.


  1. Oh my goodness... he's growing so fast!!! I LOVE Big Sister with her head propped on her hand taking everything in! She's already protecting him!!!

    And that crying face! You are a true blogger... snapping a picture of it... how pitiful are those tear filled eyes! I'm sure once he was in mommy's arms - it was all better... what did big sis have to say about that? uh-oh!

  2. Momma instinct you were right.....16 lbs. WOW!! I must say he is an adorable 16lbs. and I am sure it is 100% sweetness! Enjoy your little man I am glad he had his big sister there to protect him! I just hope Callen is a protector for his baby sister.

  3. WOW! He is a big ole' boy! I love it! I just wanna kiss those sweet cheeks! Laura Ann, he is an absolutely beautiful baby boy!

    What a precious photo of "The Big Sister" keeping an eye out for her little brother! That is priceless.

    Thanks for sharing Gavin's special day with all of us!

    Love you, friend,

  4. my daddy would say "big un!"...I'm sure your daddy would too AND he would be so proud to see himself in Gavin! :-)

  5. We had shots yesterday and the twins did great. Just a few tears and screams, but it did not last long. I cannot believe he is weighing in a 16lbs. He is a chunky monkey girl. The twins are weighing 10 lbs each!!! They are chunks too!!! Love those fat babies!!!!

  6. Oh my goodness...what a BIG boy! We can't wait to see him at Bryan's party...and yes, we will have 4 lbs of crawfish for Gavin!

  7. Oh, his sad litte cry face BROKE my heart!!

    He is big like my HW!! : ) More to love, right?

  8. He is SO big!!! I can't wait to snuggle with him again when I come into town :)

  9. I know all about big babies....there is just more of him to love on! He is precious! I am so sad for him. Shots are no fun!
