Monday, June 15, 2009

Our baby is TWO !

Oh sweet baby, the joy that you have brought to my life is unbelievable. You are the one that has taught me how to be a Mommy and loved me unconditionally for the last 2 years. There is no greater reward at the end of the day then to hear you say, "I love you Mommy and you pray" when we lay you down to bed every night.

You are an amazing little girl with a personality that is just breathtaking... everyday you make me so proud to be your Mommy. You are sweet, kind, loving, appreciative, smart, witty, funny and the list goes on. You recently became a big sister and you are a good one. Your zest for life is contagious and you leave a smile on every ones face that you come in contact with along the way. There are days that you want to sit in my lap all day and there are days that I can not pry you out of your Daddy's loving arms. I thought I was a Daddy's girl, but you have me beat baby (and your Daddy loves it too).

I love you more than I ever thought it was possible to love someone or something. There are no words to describe the way I feel about you. When you hurt, I hurt...when your happy, I'm happy...when you're scared, I hold you...when you smile, I smile...when you laugh, I laugh...when you need me, I am there & I always will be....YOU ARE MY WORLD!

I am crying as I sit here and journal these words to you, because I want you to have the best life ever...Happy Birthday. I will love you forever.

Love Mommy

It’s hard to believe that my “baby” girl is two years old today!? It seems like just moments ago that I held you in my arms for the very first time. I knew from the moment that I laid eyes on you that you would forever hold my heart. (While I am a bit partial) Emma Caroline, you truly are an amazing child, a child who I am profoundly proud of and privileged to call my daughter. As we celebrated your birthday, I found myself overwhelmed with the joy that you bring to our lives.

When you finished opening all of your presents, you stood up in your chair and so graciously exclaimed “Thank You!” This Daddy could not have been more proud of his little girl. It was at this moment that I fully appreciated the comments of my parents and grandparents, how quickly time passes us as we grow older.

In that moment, my mind raced to the day that I would walk you, my sweet Emma “Lou” down the aisle and you would again graciously exclaim “Thank you!” to all of your guest. I am forever indebted to our Heavenly Father for blessing your Mommy and me with you, my sweet baby girl. So today and always, I wish you every happiness in this world. Happy Birthday Emma Caroline!

I love you with all my heart! Daddy

Once again, we had so much fun with you at your FARM party and we are so proud of YOU!


  1. Laura Ann
    What sweet words for your beautiful daughter. I have a few questions about where you got some of the items for the party. I am a party freak and I have 4 kiddos the last 2 being b/g Twins. Where did you have the labels for the bags made? I love everything you did and one day she will appreciate it all. I like to use Paper so Pretty for my invitations they are so cute. You might take a look sometime.

  2. Happy Birthday Sweet Emma!!! Your birthday party was so much fun!!! You are so precious and bring such a smile to all of our faces. We love you sweet girl! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

  3. Now I'M crying :) Such a sweet little girl!!!
