Saturday, June 13, 2009

One tired Cowgirl!

She is finally in bed after a very long day spent with 67+ family and friends. There were big people, little people, young people, old people and a farm filled with goats, pigs, chickens, ducks, donkey, pony, llama, rabbits and a deer. There was fun to be had for all and it was some kind of fun. Lets not forget playing on the swing set and getting our faces painted too. Lots of hot dogs, juice, chips, dip, cheese, cupcakes, ice cream, cake and CHILI...yes Darla, we got that Chili just for you.

It was a busy day, but one that I would do all over again to see the smiles on this little girls face and to hear her tell her Daddy as he was getting her dressed for bed, "Daddy, I had a good day!" She is so sweet and so thankful. She told us thank you over and over all day.

She opened her gifts, thanked her guest, shared, laughed, played and blew out her candles before the song was even over. You are a big girl baby. I must admit, I almost lost it when you stood up in that chair at the end and told everyone "thank you". It was all I could do to fight back the tears. Once again reminded me how truly blessed I am and how this little girl has stolen my heart forever.

Lots more pictures on the way, but this Mommy's hoofs are tired. More to come and I can not wait to share them with all of you.

By the way...the Farm theme was a good one...thank you Emma for making your Mommy step out on a limb and celebrate your 2nd Birthday with you in a way that reminded me of my very own childhood.


  1. This sounds like an absolutely "magical " day for Miss Emma and one that I wish I could have been a part of!

    If this adorable picture is any indication of what the others will be like, I cannot wait to see them!

    I think the Farm theme sounds so perfect and how neat that it took you back to your childhood as well.

  2. So so sweet Laura. I can't wait to see all the adorable pics. I wish I was in town to help celebrate Miss Emma's special day :)

  3. It sounds like Emma had a super 2nd birthday! Happy Birthday Emma!
