Monday, July 13, 2009

4 Month Check Up

Our BIG BOY went for his 4 month old check up today and he was a trooper.

How much longer is he going to be able to fit on the little infant scale? Just look at him...he is hanging off everywhere. Don't squint, I took an up close picture of the scale for his Daddy to see how BIG this boy has gotten.

You saw it right....20lb 12oz....26 inches long and his head measured 17 3/8 inches. The boy is HUGE! Yes, that is all from being nursed too...nothing else. I have had people doubt me on this one, but I promise I do not give my babies food till they are 6 months old.

Poor little thing...honestly, he barely cried. I think he has enough protection on those chubby little legs that he did not feel it until the 2nd one and that is because it burned.

Look at the brave Big Sister...she did not want any part of watching her "little buddy" get shots. Oh no, she told the Dr. we were leaving on "cation tomorrow to the ocean to see the sharks and the dolphins"...she really believes it. We have told her over and over again that we are not going and we would go next year.
So, we found out today that Gavin has Torticollis and Plagiocephaly which is a tightening of the neck muscle which is causing some flattening of the head on one side. We were told if it does not correct by the time he is 6 months old, he would have to be fitted for a helmet that must be worn 23 hours a day.
We were referred to physical therapy. I wasted no time and drove there immediately to see what we needed to do and sign him up to begin. Needless to say, my 4 month old will be beginning physical therapy in the morning at 9:30. We are scheduled to leave for vacation in the morning, so we will just leave as soon as we learn a little more about what we can do to help correct the torticollis.
Please say a little prayer for Gavin if you get a chance. It is not a big deal and it is totally correctable, so I feel a little selfish asking you to pray (but who couldn't use a few prayers on their behalf, right?). As for me and his Daddy, we will be praying daily for this problem to be corrected before he is 6 months old.


  1. Your children are so cute, I pray that everything works out before the he needs the helmet. I have been reading your blog for a while, not sure how I came about it but our kids are close to the same ages. We have a 2 year old boy and 6 month old girl. Our blog is if you ever wanted to check us out.

  2. Bless his sweet heart! I will be praying that the physical therapy will help. It's such a blessing they were able to tell you while there were still treatment options.
    Sweet little sis looks too cute hiding outside the door. I love her outfit.
    Tell Gavin he has offically outgrown Brody! :)

  3. I pray that the physical therapy will totally correct it! Also have a great time at the ocean on your "cation"! LOL

  4. Oh poor Gavin....I hope the pyhsical thereapy will help. We will add him to our prayers tonight. I hope ya'll have a great safe vacation together. Little Brookie will be missing ya'll this week at the pool!

  5. We will say prayers for our sweet little Gavin. He is getting so big and has passed the twins up by far. I'm glad that Brynlee will have so many bigger men in her life to protect her from all the boys. hee!hee! Have a fun vacation!

  6. Gavin is SO big :) Praying for complete healing before you have to get the helmet.

    And precious...she doesn't like those shots, does she :)

  7. We were told the same thing about my daughter when she was 8 months old. When didn't do physical therapy but worked with her at home. At 12 months the problem was corrected, and we didn't have to get the helmet. Praying that you will get the same good news.

  8. Bless his little heart. I will definitely be praying for him and trusting God to completely heal him. And don't you ever hesitate to ask for prayer. I count it a privilege to pray for this sweet boy.

  9. Your family is precious and I pray that everything goes in the right direction for your little boy! My thoughts are with you.

  10. We will send the prayers up for Gavin. You are not selfish, silly, you are a mommy! Have fun on vaca!
