Sunday, July 12, 2009


We spent the day yesterday playing with the little ones and they seemed to have a good time.

Emma got this little water table from her Nana for her birthday and she loves it. Afterall, what kid does not enjoy playing in the water? We had company last week and I looked out the window and she had climbed up in it and sat down. Silly kid!
I have a feeling the days of this little guy laying around are over. He enjoyed some exersaucer time yesterday for the first time and really enjoyed it.

Emma has been wanting to play with this sprinkler ball for a while, so we finally set it up yesterday. Daddy enjoyed playing in it too, but told me I could not post any pictures of him. Oh, they are funny.

Look at this sweet boy... don't you just want to squeeze him?
This kid would stay outside from sun up to sun down if we would let her. This picture just makes me smile.
Just think, next summer both of them will be running around and playing...I can't wait!


  1. Seriously, Laura Ann, can they BE any cuter? And yes, that picture DOES make me want to squeeze him! He is sooo adorable.

    How cool is that sprinkler ball? I have never seen one of those, but I think I know someone that would LOVE that! Where do you find those?

    That last picture of Emma is just adorable!

    P.S. I got my "prize" from your blog giveaway. I'll write you soon, but just wanted you to know it arrived safely. Thank you so much, my sweet friend!

  2. It is so great to hear from you and catch up on your world! Your babies are getting so big and both just precious. My Lucy has the same swim suit that Emma is wearing .... too cute!
    Love & Blessings from Hong Kong,
