Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Back & Busy

We have made it home from our little getaway and we are still a family of 4. Just kidding of course, but I am here to tell you it is alot of work traveling with a 2 year old and a 4 month old. We had a great time, the kids were wonderful, got to visit with family and enjoyed just being away.

We started our vacation off at the Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, Texas. I am here to tell you that this is a kids resort. If you have little ones, they will love it and so will you. Everything from an indoor water park, story time, kids spa, game room, craft center, bear stuffing and much more. We really enjoyed our stay here and will return again someday. I will post some of our pictures later this week. We were also blessed to have Aunt Debbie, Uncle Wayne & Cousin Kaiden drive in from Dallas to spend the day with us at the water park.

After checking out of the GWL, we then drove about 30 minutes to the Westin at the Dallas Galleria. Oh, this place was comfy womfy... I loved it. We really enjoyed our stay here and did some more fun stuff. We were able to have dinner with with Aunt Debbie, Uncle Wayne and Cousins Wyman, Kendra, Jared and Kaiden at Mi Cocina....yummy Mexican food.

The best part about the Westin was what was located about 200 feet away. We made reservations to have breakfast at the Bistro in the American Girl Doll Boutique. Thank you Jesus for giving me a baby girl to share this with, this store was every little girl's dream.

Oh, it was so girly and so much FUN. All you GIRLY Mom's out there, this is something you MUST do once with your daughter. We took tons of pictures and I will be posting some soon.

Of course our sweet Emma had to bring a dog-dog with her and not just her American Girl Baby to have breakfast. They attached high chairs to the tables for the girls to have breakfast with their babies. How cute is that? Just wait till you see all the other stuff they had, I could have spent tons of money in this store. I came to my senses before I got to the register...thank goodness!

We also made a visit to the Dallas World Aquarium for the day. I am not a big fan of Aquariums, but this place was AWESOME...if you are ever in the Dallas area you must go see this place. We really enjoyed seeing all the animals and the layout of the aquarium. They had everything from sea otters, penguins, turtles, leopards, flamingos, monkeys, owls and so much more.

A trip in Texas would not be complete without a stop coming and going to Buc-ee's. This place in itself was a vacation and will allow you to drop some cash in no time at all. You name it, they have it and it all looks so GOOD.

All in all, this was the perfect little trip for the Frazier Four. The HOTY did a great job planning this little getaway, getting us there safely and making sure we had a great time. Thank you Curtis, you are the best Daddy and Husband ever!
I am so thankful we did not try to get on a plane with our 2 little ones or head to Destin like we originally wanted. I am thinking that we will wait until they are 2 and 3 to take a big vacation. It was so much work, but so worth it. Thanks again Curtis for convincing me to take a vacation closer to home.

This makes my heart smile every time I look at it. This is how my sweet babies rode in the car and their double stroller our entire vacation. Siblings are the best gift of all, aren't they?
Things have been busy since we have returned. Gavin has been going to therapy and is doing great. We have a session tomorrow night, so I plan on blogging about that and the progress he has already made. We are so proud of him and are still praying daily that we can avoid the helmet. We have obtained a second opinion and are consulting with a specialist on August 14th. Please continue to keep our Little Man in your prayers.


  1. Glad to hear that the trip went well. We are planning a weekend getaway to the beach next week before I go back to work. I really need it.

  2. What a fun vacation! I can't wait to see all the pics. Check your email to see what we have been up to! Hugs

  3. Oh my word... those hands holding is the sweetest thing EVER!!! How much they already love each other...

    Cant wait for more American Girl pictures... Emma looks like a doll herself in that picture... she really is a girly girl! :)

  4. yes, i did see the citron...i love it! coop's infant seat was that color & i just wanted a change, so i went with the blue one!

    bigger pictures: upload pictures to photobucket. copy html code (3rd code down) and post directly into your blog post. very easy & i am loving the bigger pics!! hope it works...let me know if you have problems!

  5. That hand holding pic is the sweetest thing ever!!!! We are going back to Great Wolf for the second time in August. My kids LOVE it!!! I have a daughter who will be 3 in November. Can't wait to take her to American Girl and get her a doll. FUN!

  6. It looks like such a fun trip! I'm so glad your little family was able to do that. I'm sure traveling with 2 can be a challenge! I just can't get over the pic of those sweet babies holding hands. Too cute!!!

  7. What a great vaca!! I am so glad that you are home and I know what is going on with the Fraziers! We missed you! Cannot wait to take Brynlee to the American Girl store. (Not sure Chance will love it. Hee!Hee!) What a treat for sweet little Emma! I'm glad tha tyou guys had a great vacation and were able to spend time the Carnes family!!! I love spending time with Aunt Debbie and Uncle Wayne! They rock!!! Kiss the babies! Let's plan an playdate (Mommy date) soon!

  8. Your trip looks so fun! I have been wondering about the Great Wolf Lodge. I hear about it all the time. What a great place for kids! We will have to take Cilla when she gets older. excited am I about the American Girl store in Dallas?!?! I did not know one was there?!?!? I am already planning our trip to New York to go, but goodness, we have one right in our backyard!!! I can't wait to take her!
