Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hard Work Pays Off

Our Little Man is working so hard in physical therapy and we are so PROUD of him. We have seen so much improvement in 2 weeks with Gavin and we are confident that it is only a matter of time before he is 100%. The tilt of his head has improved from 20 degrees to 12 degrees to 10 degrees as of today's therapy session. His joints in his neck on the side that has the issue were not movable at all 2 weeks ago and I am proud to tell you that they are now able to be moved a notch. Thank you Jesus.

Our therapist, Trish has been such an Angel to us. She is so good with Gavin and has such a big heart for children and helping others. She actually has a little boy that is only a few weeks younger than him, so she relates to us really well. She goes above and beyond to try and make us feel good each session about the progress that our angel baby is making.

Look at this sweet boy...he is working so hard. His therapy is alot of work and he often gets frustrated, but NEVER gives up and we are so proud him. I can not tell you how thankful we are to have discovered this problem early on before things got any worse.
This week we have gotten a second opinion on Gavin's diagnosis and have also been referred to a specialist that deals specifically with these issues. He will be seeing the specialist on August 4th and from my understanding we will know the severity of his condition and have an exact treatment plan. As you can imagine, we are very anxious to get this taken care of immediately.
My heart just breaks for parents of sick children. As I aforementioned, this is a minor setback for us that we will get through and be just fine. However, I can not help but ask myself daily...what about the parents that don't have an end in sight? What about those with no hope? What about those that are watching their children suffer? What about those that lack a relationship with God? What about those that have lost their children? What about those that can not seek proper medical attention? What about & the list goes on and on!
The truth is, I have so much to be thankful for and I am so incredibly blessed in more ways than I could ever even begin to list.

Thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers on our behalf. I challenge you today to find a child, any child and lift them up in prayer. Afterall, you might be the only person praying for that child today!


  1. What a blessing he is doing soooo well! WAY TO GO GAVIN

  2. I am so glad to hear that Gavin is working really hard. I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers.

  3. Continue to pray for physical therapy to go well and pray for his complete recovery.
    Thankful your vacation went so well.
    Blessings today and always,
    Matthew 21:22

  4. So glad to hear about Gavin's improvement...continuing to pray for him and the rest of your family of FOUR!

  5. So glad to see the progress he is making. We prayer for that sweet boy everyday and I am so happy to see that God is answering our prayers! He is a strong little guy and I love to see the pics of him working so hard! Keep us posted! love you!
