Saturday, July 11, 2009

From the cradle...

to the crib. Oh my heart is aching, my baby boy is in his crib for the first time tonight. I am sure I will not sleep as I adjust to listening for 2 monitors opposed to 1. Yes, Emma still sleeps with an Angel Care Monitor and now Gavin is using his too. Well, he has been using the sensor part, but not the handset since he has been sleeping in a cradle only an arm reach away from his Daddy.

We knew it was time to make the move when we woke up the last 2 mornings and he had flipped over on his belly and had his little neck stuck out like a giraffe staring at us. It was really cute, but probably not a good idea to leave this big ole boy in a cradle.

No doubt in my mind he will sleep so much better, but the selfish part of me wanted to keep him in here forever. There is something about knowing it is your last baby and you have to move him to his bed...hard to explain, but I am sure someone out there understands.

Sweet dreams baby boy, sweet dreams!


  1. Awwww -- now, how can that be? Didn't you just have him yesterday??? What a big boy! I hope mama slept okay...

  2. Every little milestone like that breaks my heart! But, the Lord blesses us more richly with little Cilla and each new phase we move into! Hope the transition went well!
