Saturday, August 15, 2009

26 Months Old...

Sweet girl of mine, you are growing up right before my eyes. You are still such a joy every single day and I am so blessed to have you in my life. People warned us about the TERRIBLE TWOS, but you are still the same sweet little girl that I have always known and loved. Don't get me wrong...there are times when you test us, but for the most part you are such a sweet and caring child.

You are still madly in love with your little brother and can hardly keep your hands off of him. You are amazed that he is scooting around and more active these days.

You are in love with your baby that you sleep with every night and take along with you everyday.

You keep us laughing all day long Emma. I love it when you talk to yourself and say things like, "I am so proud of you Emma for feeding the dog" or "You're so responsible Emma" or "Good job Emma". It is just hilarious to hear everything you say. You are a talker and your vocabulary just blows us away, along with everyone else who hears you talk. It is just unbelievable to us how much you comprehend, repeat, say and remember.

This little girl is as I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T as they come. We often go places looking like this because she always says, "I do it by myself Mom" and YES, she has stopped calling me Mommy already. We can tell her time and time again that her shoes are on the wrong feet, but she insist on wearing them. Oh, how about the new flip flop trend of wearing them between the 2nd and 3rd toe?

Oh Emma, we are proud of you and we love you so much. Life with you is fun and full of surprises. You keep us on our toes and your little laugh is so contagious. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such an amazing little girl.


  1. Laura! How cute is she? I miss you! We need to touch base soon. I want to hear about your new job.

  2. Oh, the pants came! Love 'em but I love those flippers worn that way the best! She is a hoot and I love her red hair!

  3. Emma is absolutely ADORABLE!! I have been reading for awhile, but this is the 1st time I have commented. I can totally see my little one being miss independent when she is 2. I love the flip flops and the way she talks to herself...too cute!

  4. She is just precious. Her hair has gotten so long! I cannot believe how much she has grown since her birthday. Cannot wait to see her in a few weeks at Peyton's birthday party. You are so blessed to have such a precious little girl.

  5. Hi Laura, I'm Melissa and I don't even know how I started reading your blog! I love it! Your kids are precious! I have two little boys who are getting ready to start 1st and 3rd grade. The time goes so fast! I am thinking of starting my own blog, but it seems so overwhelming!

  6. I could eat her up! She is precious and I know is such a blessing to the Frazier fam! The flops made me laugh out loud!
