Friday, August 7, 2009


Our little man got to have something other than milk tonight for dinner. We decided it was about time to give this big boy some rice cereal for the first time. Our goal was to make it 6 months on breast milk, however this boy has a big appetite and we were encouraged by our pediatrician not to increase milk intake.

Emma was just amazed that he was going to sit in "mine" high chair tonight and have dinner at the table with her. After she got over the fact that the high chair was now "his" she enjoyed watching her little brother eat cereal for the first time. She kept begging for a bite, so she got one. As soon as it hit her tongue, you guessed it...she spit it out and said, "that's disgusting" ~ imagine that!

I am not sure if more rice cereal ended up in his mouth, running down his chin or falling on his belly. It was fun to watch him eat and try to figure it all out. I am sure this big ole boy is ready for Mimi's Meatloaf and Squash Casserole, but he will have to wait a while.

I am thinking he liked it, what do you think? I am not sure that he could be any happier. What you see is what we get ALL of the time. This is exactly how my Daddy use to be all the time too. Laughing and smiling, striving to put a smile on every one's face around him. Oh, I miss that man!

So, our first feeding was a success and we plan to stick with the cereal until he is 6 months old and then we will slowly begin introducing fruits and vegetables, unless his sister slips him a goldfish before then.


  1. He is so adorable Laura! He looks exactly like Curtis...WOW!!!

  2. How cutie pie is he!?!? I can't believe you made it to 6 months with no solids! Way to be strong...I gave in early!

  3. What a cutie pie! Looks like the cereal was a hit. We start our angels on cereal next week. Wish us luck!

  4. Laura---
    He is one YUMMY little boy! Hard to beleive he is knocking on 6 months!

  5. I would take those smile ALL the time, too -- how sweet!
