Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dreams Come True

I am living the life I have always dreamed of and I am loving every minute of it. What more could I ever ask for, seriously? Like every other Mommy in the world, I believe I have the most amazing kiddos ever.

We took our first walk tonight through the neighborhood with Gavin in his car. The little ones really seemed to enjoy themselves as we strolled. Gavin could hardly take his eyes off his Big Sister and she could hardly keep her hands off of him.

Gavin has the updated model of this car and it is so nice and quiet compared to Emma's. I highly recommend spending the extra $ and getting the Quiet Whisper Step 2 car. Ours was a gift and we love it.

One of our cousins owns a car dealership and gave this to Gavin. It was so cute, because they told us they gave us this one so we would come back and buy his first car from them. They even joked about putting their dealership sticker on the back of it.

I fall deeper and deeper in love everyday. These two give me a reason to be the very best person I can possibly be.


  1. Priceless....and absolutely precious. Blessings this evening and always,
    Matthew 21:22

  2. this is the cutest thing ever!!!!

  3. I love it! What a precious picture! :) You deserve every blessing and every bit of happiness you are living! :) You & Curtis are TRUE friends to me, perfect partners that only God could have put together and amazing parents to Emma & Gavin!

  4. I love this sweet your little babies are :)

  5. That is just about the sweetest! I am so impressed how he sits so well in that car. My babies would fall out of that thing in a split second. So cute!!!

  6. Awww - that is precious! love those babies!

  7. THE CUTEST! I know you are so taken by those sweet babies and they are so lucky you are their mom, too!
    We need to get Cilla one of those cars!

  8. Cute pictures! Your blog is adorable!! Blessings, Ginger

  9. Hey Laura! I miss you like you wouldn't believe. ;o) I'm glad things seem to be going well with Gavin and Emma. I love reading about you and your family.

  10. Laura- They are absolutely the photo of them holding hands!!!

  11. Where are you? Miss your updates and seeing photos of those sweet angels! Hope all is well!

  12. Just found your blog. SO sweet. I love the pic of your kids holding hands. I had a similar one for my WW last week. I love love sibling love. =)
