Sunday, September 27, 2009

If Blogging...

were a course, I would get an F! There are just not enough hours in the day for this Mommy to get everything done. I am going to try and do a little better, but I will stick to my word of not blogging while my babies are awake.

There is so much to say, but it is all sort of random. It is so hard to get back to blogging when you have been away for a while.

I found this picture of our little man while I was looking thorough some pictures. Gavin is growing so fast, unbelievable that he is about to be 7 months old.

This little girl enjoys sitting out in the garage with her Daddy no matter what he is doing. She will sit out there for hours and talk to him while he washes the car or works in the garage.

I am thinking that we have another dog-dog lover in our house. This little boy will watch Beamer all over the house and scoot as quickly as he can to get to him. The funny part is, Beamer will not even make eye contact with him.

Miss Emma turned 27 months old on the 15th and I did not post about it, so we will let this serve as her 27 month old picture.

Guess who helped me cook breakfast Saturday morning? She had her own bowl and yes, she cracked her own eggs. They were on the counter, running down the cabinets and egg shells were all in the bowl. She had so much fun cooking with me and felt like such a big girl.
Speaking of big girls, she woke up Saturday morning and said, "Mommy, I am a big girl. I don't want to wear diapers, I need panties on today." Needless to say, we grabbed the panties and she has gone to the potty faithfully for 2 days now. Guess she just made up her mind she was ready and we are so proud of her.

Emma is so responsible these days with brushing her teeth, getting herself dressed and putting her shoes on all by herself. She is so independent and wants help with NOTHING. We have gone places with shirts on backwards and inside out. She went to the Drs. office last week with shorts, a shirt, bug crocs and a cowboy hat. Did I mention that NONE of it matched? Sometimes it is just best to pick your battles with a 2 year old. So I want to offer my apologies to all the Mom's out there I thought were crazy when their kids looked like, pure MESS! We are officially part of the club these days.


  1. AWESOME on the potty training.. how easy and wonderful! Your kids are precious!!!

  2. Now, that's the way to potty train... just have them tell you they're ready! Pretty smart little girl!

    They're both just adorable!

  3. Oh I am seeing what my future is looks like with my little miss independent!!! I guess I should go ahead and apologize for the laughing I did at the mom's with rough mess kids, too! The Lord has a sense of humor! Way to go on the potty training, big girl, Emma!

  4. What cute, cute, pictures....Love them

    I had just a few minutes to blog hop tonight....
    Hope you will stop by my Christmas blog. I have a great giveaway that I will draw for on
    Oct 1 and a comment is all it takes to enter....

  5. Glad you are back! I missed seeing those beautiful babies!

    Yeah for Emma!!

  6. Such cuties!! I can't believe Gavin is almost 7 time flies.

    And that pic of Emma in the lawn chair??? Priceless...she is so your child, Laura :)

  7. Emma is so beautiful. Love being able to keep up with Gavin and Emma.

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