Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treat...

We never really got a good picture this evening, someone was to worried about the mosquito flying around her brother.

The cutest little Pirate & Nemo I ever did see!
Hey dad! Maybe when I'm at school, I'll see a shark.
This little pirate wanted to unwrap and eat her candy as it was handed to her.
It is a little chilly out here, Mom.
This little guy had enough and crawled up in his Daddy's arms and crashed.

Zach, the sniper. We spent the evening with our great friends and their 2 adorable children.

Lizzie, the Bumblebee. This is one of Emma's BFF's that was born only 12 hours before her and lives on the next street.

These girls were so funny, they would not get far from this wagon or their Mommy's side.

Anytime Emma would see a scary costume she would close her eyes and cover them but sort of peek to see. It was hilarious, but there were a couple that really frightened her.

We enjoyed our night and spending time with the Carrizal family. We have lots of candy left over, so my kiddos at school will be happy campers come Monday morning.


  1. I cracked up over that list pic of Emma...I swear Laura...she is SO YOU!

  2. SSSSOOOOO cute!! I loved how little Nemo fell asleep!! Way cute kids!!!!!

  3. I love it! The kids are too cute. Glad to hear you all had a great time.

  4. they are too precious! I am cracking up! Nemo is just precious!!!
