Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas morning was a blast for the Frazier Four. There is so much I have to post about and so many memories I never want to forget. Here are just a few...
Letter to Santa, along with cookies, milk & carrots for the Reindeer.

Of course we had to battle the cold and head outside to sprinkle our Reindeer food in the yard.

Santa was very good to Emma & Gavin this year. We were so excited for them to wake up and see all that he had left.

All our sweet girl asked for was a duck, a firetruck and some make up. This was the last gift she opened on Christmas morning. The look on her face was PRICELESS. She got two little ducks, a Pekin and a Mallard. Yes, they are currently living in our house and I will have to share more in the days ahead. Let me just say that we have one very HAPPY little girl walking around playing Mommy to 2 little ducks.

This little boy smiled all day long and he had many reasons to keep on smiling. I got my first BMW when I was 30 and he got his at 9 months old. Is this not the cutest little car ever? We just could not resist. I saw this years ago and said if I ever had a little boy, he would have one of these. God is good, isn't he?
Christmas 2009 was more than we could have ever asked for as a family. We spent the days with friends, family and alone as the Frazier Four. It was wonderful, it was fun, it was exciting, it was magical and it was oh so much more!
We talked about how blessed we were in 2009 and how we are so excited about what God has planned for us in 2010. We spent time remembering our Savior and the true meaning of the season. I heard my baby girl tell lots of people that it was Jesus' Birthday and we sang Happy Birthday to him over and over.
One of my favorite parts was standing hand in hand with my husband while cradling our son in my arms, while he held our daughter closely and led our families in prayer. There is just something that excites me about hearing him profess his love for our Lord & Savior publicly to our families while holding us so close to him. Thank you Jesus for blessing me with this amazing husband and my children with the BEST DADDY in the world.
I am praying for God to promote us in 2010 in our marriage, our family, our finances, our careers, our relationships, our children, our country, the perfect church home & most importantly our relationship with HIM. The truth is, I am praying this for all of you TOO!


  1. what wonderful memories! You have such a beautiful family! What are the names of your two new ducks? I can't wait to hear what Emma chooses for them! LOL

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  2. Here is a link to the racetrack that we got for Cooper. I actually got ours at TJMaxx for $40 something. It's really cute!!
