Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Two and a Half !

This baby girl turned 2 1/2 years old last week (15th) and I am just now getting around to share her sweetness with all of you. Emma Caroline, these have been the best 2 1/2 years of my life and I know there is so much more to come.

You are so ME! Everything about you reminds me so much of myself and it is a little scary at times. I often ask your Grandma (my Mom) if I were like you as a child and she says not till I was much older. I am just more and more amazed everyday at the stuff you come up with and the conversations you initiate with us. There are things that concern you that I am confident concern no other 2 year old. You are so sweet and compassionate about others. Here are just a few of the many things about you these days:
  • Love to eat "Chicka Fila" and Macaroni & Cheese
  • Want to dress yourself everyday and tell us not to help you
  • Love to play Spa (you talk like the ladies who work there)
  • Super excited about Christmas and want a firetruck and a real duck
  • Extremely protective of your baby brother
  • You are a Daddy's girl all the way
  • Still love Beamer
  • Enjoy talking on the phone, bath time & any type of craft
  • Like to sing at the top of your lungs
  • You are sometimes a bit bossy
  • Super social and try to talk and make friends everywhere we go
  • You are a bit dramatic, I am thinking it comes natural to you
  • Continue to sleep with 15 stuffed animals and can call them all by name and know if one is missing within seconds of getting into bed.
  • Love all your friends and teachers at MDO
  • Participated in your 1st Christmas program ( you twisted and danced the entire time, singing very little)

You are an amazing kid and fill our days with laughter. There are times you are so funny, but we should not be laughing at you, so we have to hide our faces to keep from laughing out loud.

Happy 2 1/2 year old Birthday Emma Caroline. We love you more than the stars love the sky baby girl. Every single day with you is a blessing!


  1. Precious! I love the picture of her! I am still cracking up about the nail salon "talk"! That is priceless!!! Cannot wait to see you in a couple of days!

  2. Merry Christmas to the Fraziers! I love watching your babies grow up!
